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Christine Budd

Hen still not laying! (12 weeks now)

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Hi - I did ask for advice 6 weeks ago when I first got my hens, and followed loads of it, but still no eggs from one of my hens! I only have 2 hens & it would be great to get 2 eggs at least some days! I have Pepperpots & Geraldine has laid beautifully from the second week. Henrietta however has been a problem! She is more anxious than the confident Geraldine and is being picked upon. Now I am trying anti peck spray & bumper bit for Geraldine as I have already tried keeping them in the run and no treats (dreadful for me as well as them)as a solution to no eggs. When I picked my eggless hen up today, she had a swollen tummy and practically featherless back end and nasty looking swollen vent. I've now read the stuff on peritonitus, and wonder if she is suffering from that or is she egg bound?? She is running around quite happy, eating and drinking, I have noticed no sign of walking like John Wayne. I have spoken to a chap from Omlet (who advised the spray & bumper bit) but am feeling very unsure of my ability to keep chickens! Any other advice??

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Egluntine has given great advice about checking her out healthwise, because obviously if she's not in great health she won't lay. But it is worth knowing that all chickens start laying at different ages and stages....18-20 weeks is considered "normal" but quite a few wait considerably longer than that. I waited from acquiring a hen at the beginning of May 2005 until late March 06 for her first egg :shock: . I had actually resigned myself to the fact that she may never lay....the first one was quite a shock :lol::lol::lol::lol: . In fairness she was a very nervous and flighty cream legbar, not a hybrid Omlet bird, but there can be a wait :roll:


Welcome to the forum, and I hope that you don't have to wait too much longer for your frst 2 egg day 8)

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Hi all - thanks for the reassurances but it is Henrietta's swollen rear end I'm most worried about! At the moment I would settle for no eggs ever if she could just be a happy, feathered & not swollen chicken! Do you think I need to go for the bathing said rear end in warm water or the massage (if I can catch her of course)? I spent all last night dreaming she had died & was so relieved to see her this morning! I've booked a chikcen keeping course for Sept so hopefully will be reassured after that!

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Hi Christine,


I remember your original post about lack of eggs - that seems like ages ago so no wonder you are getting worried.


I can relate to the dreaming about the worst happening, when Blackie was sick last week I kept waking up feeling terrible and thinking that she wouldn't pop out of the Eglu in the morning :(.


No advise really as I'm as much of a newbie as you, but don't give up!

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Hi - at the moment Henrietta is just getting worse. She is swollen up like a balloon and very heavy. She has also adopted the "John Wayne" walk now so I am very worried. My vet knows nothing about chucks and I can't see one near Portsmouth in the list online. We are off to a chicken course in Bognor on Sunday - hopefully I'll get some advice!! :cry:

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If she is still swelling I would definately seek medical advice straight away (maybe before weekend!) Wait for Egluntine's advice but it does seem more urgent now. I'd definately ring round a few vets to see if they are poultry-wise. If you are in a city area maybe try the ones who are a bit more rural who may deal with farmers etc???

Hope you sort this out.

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Oh dear....it does sound as if she has the symptoms of peritonitis.


I would most definitely seek a vets advice as a matter of urgency.


If the fluid continues to build up in her abdomen, it can cause problems with her breathing and heart.


Poor girl.


Do let us know what the vet says.

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Hi all - a very sad day today as we did get Henrietta to a vet only to find that she had egg peritonitus and had to be put down.

Our thanks to the lady who is hosting the course we have booked for Sunday as she gave us some breeder names so that we can get 2 companions for Geraldine asap. Geraldine, our remaining Pepperpot is looking very upset. I hope she's not cold tonight by herself in the Egglu. :cry:PP

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Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. There is a happy ending (well, a happy ending of sorts) as we managed to get 2 lovely chickens on Saturday (Florence and Daisy) and they both laid eggs (small) that day! Since then I have been very embarassed by the noise they are all making as they get used to each other :oops: (I'm sure we will have a petition from the neighbours soon!). We went on our course today & it was very useful - thanks Pam. When we returned home, all 3 chickens had escaped our fenced in run - please bear in mind that our "Omlet" girl has never ventured over the fence before, so I blame the newbies :lol: So - £42 for chickens, £45 for new fence & different bedding as we were using bark chippings before - I think this hobby is getting expensive! But at least we had a 3 egg day on Saturday!! Only 1 egg today though, from the reliable Geraldine. What is it about us that stops chickens laying..........? Mustn't succumb to paranoia!


(green eglu)

PP Geraldine 2/6/08

PP Henrietta 2/6/08 RIP 12/9/08

(Bluebelle) Daisy 13/9/08

GNR Florence 13/9/08

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