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I want ducks- Where to start?!

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LOL Jacko, I had my first ducks as a suprise birthday present last Christmas, I know ds went to Powys and got them. I think he looked in Yellow Pages. Sorry I cannot be more help. All my new ducks I bought off ebay as eggs. Much tamer, they think I am their Mum. Good Luck :D.

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Do you have any local farms or breeders so that you can go and see what they have? - and read all you can about keeping ducks - thay can be very messy, especially if kept in a small area. The Practical Poultry will have plenty for you to read and may also have ducks for sale in your area.

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Ducks are really amusing...depends what breed. Campbells are nice and easy(bit bigger than a mallard) Aylesburys(donald duck) are amusing but quite big.

Ducks are very different to chicken keeping, they need more room and do need to have access to water to put their heads under.A pond is ideal but they will pollute it.

As long as they can have plenty of room to have a roam(a poultry ark and basic run is just too small..so as big as possible) They really are messy they will trash the house and everything gets very wet!Shavings are ideal..straw will get completely tangled and harder to clean out. But pls plenty of roaming room.

But otherwise the eggs are delicious..good luck they are very cute fowl


ps they dont roost, a kennel type house will suffice..and they just lay the eggs in their beds!on the ground(no nesting boxes needed)

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Hi I dont know if this is any good to you but Ive been told by my sister that someone she knows is tring to re home 3 male indian runner ducks. I have no idea of their ages.



I would take them but as I have 2 female its not a good idea. they will make great pets as a trio of batcholers (sp?) and my girls get on well with my hens too



the only thingif you are interested where abouts are you??

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do you guys let your ducks free range unsupervised? Are foxes a problem with ducks like they are with chickens?


personally we do let them range unsupervised but they definitely tend to stay around if we are pottering in the garden, and if we are going out in the afternoon and could be back when its getting dark we will put them in the run early if they are still about. foxes will take ducks like chickens but i guess they are less vulnerable when on water.

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