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I have my girls :-)

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Well, after all this waiting and careful preparation, and sooo many tubs of chicken stuff we finally collected them this morning :dance:


We have 6 girls, aged between 12 and 14 weeks, all different breeds - gold pencilled Fayoumi, Kraienkoppe, blue Orpington, buff Sussex, blue laced Wyandotte and a Barnvelder. They were as good as gold on the way home, patiently waiting in a traffic jam on the M3. We let them into the cube, they ate all the dried mealworms and a handfull of corn, and then sat in the cube. All afternoon. The buff Sussex fell out the door whilst having a nose and made herself comfortable underneath until I picked her up a little while ago to put her to bed with the others. It is amazing to see their different personalities already, the orpington had her head straight in the corn, and the wyandotte was rather keen on the worms, whilst the barnvelder stayed back, sitting under the orpington most of the time - the kraienkoppe is in charge, top of the pecking order already, with the sussex the most nosey. Little Fayoumi looks like mischief, the only one to escape from her box and making the most noise especially from such a little thing :)


I hope they venture out tomorrow, I assume hunger will bring them out in the morning? Also, they seem to have a problem standing on the roosting bars, their feet keep falling through the gaps and I am worried about their ankles :oops:


The ladder seems a bit of a problem too, I have the normal cube ladder plus a couple of pieces of log so they can reach the bottom step, but the rungs seem too far apart for them :?


Pics tomorrow when it has stopped raining :roll:

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congratulations! Can't wait to see the pix. :) When we had bantam growers in an eglu we took the roosting bars out till the girls got big enough to cope with the spaces between them. Its not ideal as they were sitting/sleeping on the floor so more cleaning out was needed, but it was only for a few weeks and they were younger than yours. It may just be (?) that some of your girls aren't used to perching; depending on the breed (orps for instance) many people don't use perches for youngstock as it can interfere with keel bone development (don't ask me how!)

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