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my first post, and it's a worried one :(

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Hi everyone,


I got my 4 POL Hybrids last friday, and they are all gorgeous, and 3 out of the 4 are laying already :)


However my Amber Star, Marilyn, is pretty under the weather this morning. I've taken her to the vets, who suspected she's either eggbound with a soft egg, or has peritonitis :cry: . She's had yellowy discharge from her vent, and has been doing yolky, watery poos, and is looking sorry for herself, has been straining, and making sad noises :(


She's going back for daily baytril injections, but I was wondering if there was anything else I should ask about? She usually lays enormous eggs, compared to her friends little cadbury's creme egg sized ones, so was wondering if that had something to do with it :(


i just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing, I'm so attached to them already!

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Thanks :)


I've got a feeling it must have been a strange softie or something, as she's absolutely fine again now, tootling about, pecking, scratching, eating, and doing normal poos, and came running up with the other 3 when I went in to give them some corn.


I'll carry on with the course of antibiotics to be on the safe side, but fingers crossed, she was just feeling a bit grotty through having a softie. I can't find any evidence of one in the run though , although I guess someone might have eaten it :vom:


I've got them on ground oyster shell already for calcium, is there anything else I can give them, if that was the cause of marilyns little episode?

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