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I did an evening course in photography for beginners, it cost about £120 for 10 weeks and I only had a little digital compact camera but I learned loads, the passion of the teacher for his subject was apparent which helped! I would thoroughly recommend a short course, you learn an awful lot and my simple snaps now look a lot more slick.


Have fun with your new toy!

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Im loving it! Thinking of doing a 4 day portrait taking course in one of the uni holidays and have been having soo much fun taking pics and editing lol!!

My new obsession seems to be taking pics and reading photographic mags! So many good hints and tips!!


Im thinking of turning a friends spare room into a makeshift studio so I can take some beauty/fashion shots but need to get a screen or set up something similar :?



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What type of camera do you have?


I have a Canon Eos 10D. I have had it for about four years now. It's great. I had wanted a digital SLR since they came out but the price was so high. When the 10D came out I was really pleased.


Since I got the 10D, the prices have really lowered and my son now has his own 400D. We do Mum and son photography days together which is nice.


Hubby likes to stick with his Ixus. he says the others are far too complicated.

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I did a couple of City & Guilds courses in photography a while ago. I love it! Used to do all my own black and white developing and printing and used an old praktica, fully manual SLR camera. I'd also love a digital SLR, but funds won't allow :lol:

You'll love it Phonix. It must be very different now, with the capabilities of digital photography! :D

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My hubby is completely obsessed with underwater photography. He used to just dive and do a bit of photography on some diving trips, now all the diving trips are based around photography. He has won quite a few prizes in amateur competitions and has sold a couple of his pictures. He would love to do it as a career but does not know if it would be possible.


If anyone is interested in having a peek at his pics, go along to:




Although it means he is often away at weekends, the up-side is that we get a lot of trips to the seaside!! The down-side is that skiiing holidays, walking holidays, sightseeing inland are all no-gos!! :roll:

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Caroline - your husband's photos are brilliant.


We've just got a new digital family camera - seems pretty good. But I would love to get into photography properly and have been thinking of taking a course. My hubby says he's going to buy me a super douper camera for me eventually to really get into it.


On holiday in Turkey though all three of us were having competitions as to who took the best sunset photo (a lot of the time it was YS!!).


Let us know how you get on if you do go on a course (I can't yet as I'm signed up for another computer course).

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Ive got a DSLR - Sony but i can't remember the exact type - i love it!


Took some fab photos of my baby niece on saturday (3 days old!)


Caroline your husbands photos are brilliant - my dad was into very amateurish underwater photography a long time ago when underwater camera's were not that widely used and I love to look through his old photos!!


Fred - photoshop elements is as far as I can go right now (student with no money :cry: ) and it works well for me!


Im definately thinking of doing a course but not sure if id have the time to do a night course while im doing my full-time uni course too especially with it being my last year so I saw an advert for a 4 day portrait course that sounded fab and a friends mum said she'd pay for it for me for christmas so I just have to find one in this area!!



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Yes, I am a photographer with a portrait studio, do the whole wedding thing, nice camera, darkroom, nice computer, PS CS3, LightRoom 2 etc etc etc - you wanna know what? I LOVE my job but I loved the early learning stages more. I envy you your *new start* enthusiasm :D


I used to shove my daughter out to nursery at 9 in the morning and pick her up at 11 - in those two hours I did more and learned more that I do these days.


Enjoy yourself - let me know how you get on and feel free to pm me with questions if you wanna.

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I did an evening class years ago, with my SLR camera - I loved it, but now I'm really into digital, and I can't afford a digital SLR. Having said that, my Canon Ixus has just developed a major problem :( so I may have to start saving!


I've got Photoshop Elements and I love playing around with photos. Can I recommend, for anyone who doesn't already know about it, the Photobox website? You can get great prints, but even better you can get mugs, books and poster-size prints or collages. My elder brother was 60 earlier this year, so I uploaded lots of old black-and-white photos from the family store, and more recent ones (using Photobox to edit them as best I could). I did a 'This is Your Life' sort of book, ending with a photo of him holding his new grandson! :)


It was huge fun to do, and he was really chuffed to see it. Elder sister is 60 next year, I'm already collecting photos for her book!

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Dinky - we do a load of s"Ooops, word censored!"booking in the studio now for customers - is that what you mean?



I dont do s"Ooops, word censored!"booking bokbokbok :) but it is kind of that type of thing i guess face4site.jpg its blending more than one image to make something new. Thats an image of my childs face with my eye and part of a pineapple all put into one. Theres more on my site but like i said i havent done any of that in 2 years! :cry: or taken any decent photographs in nearly a year! :oops: Totally uninspired. Ahh well.


Your job sounds wonderful! Im too fussy to ever be happy with my shots lol

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OOOooooHHhhh thanks for sharing! I have done a little bit of that - mainly with natural originals - stones, wood, bark, flowers etc.


We had to jump through hoops during our HND to prove that we *could* and I have to admit I DID enjoy it


This is the sort of thing we do up for presentation folders for clients:



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