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Bargin Wii & DS games

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ED wants Spore Creatures for her birthday and guess what they haven't had it 2 days running, I will keep going in first thing every morning :( . The guy I asked yesterday said he thought the offer was on for 2 weeks, so here's hoping it's a lot cheaper than the previous cheapest I had found which was £24.99 in Tesco.

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ED wants Spore Creatures for her birthday and guess what they haven't had it 2 days running, I will keep going in first thing every morning :( . The guy I asked yesterday said he thought the offer was on for 2 weeks, so here's hoping it's a lot cheaper than the previous cheapest I had found which was £24.99 in Tesco.


I asked at our Morrisons yesterday when the offer finished, and the girl at the counter said sunday!!! I got Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games for £15. The girls have been desperate for it for ages :)

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Spore creatures isn't that good tbh - i got it the other day. I can recommend a product from amazon called the edge supercard for the ds. It isn't a game but you can put downloadable content on it so you can watch stuff and put music on it among other things that are probably less legal which i am of course against. It just makes the DS a bit more flexible and means you can use it for other things which is nice. It's basically a DS cartridge with a removable micro SD memory card in it which means you can put different things on it. Very good :D

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Thanks for posting this.


I had to go to 2 Morrisons today to get what I wanted. I was not expecting to get anything since offer has been running a few days now.


All the Mario Karts were sold unfortunately.


My little boy's birthday next week, and my middle daughter's birthday 2 weeks after that are now covered. I am much poorer today having bought Spore DS £12, Wall-E DS £12, Guitar Hero DS £12 and Off Road Wii which was £15 and came with a free Driving Wheel (they normally cost £10 on their own). So am very happy birthdays plus some Xmas stuff covered. The Wall-E one looks rubbish but my son really, really wants it and knowing it didn't cost too much makes me feel better than paying full price for a poor game.

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Lucky you my OH was there at 8.15 this morning and still nothing decent, he reckons the people in front of him were buyingto resell on ebay :(


Greedy people make it really difficult for those of us who are trying to get a good value birthday present for our children :x


Will be waiting outside the door for it to open tomorrow.

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