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I used to hate opera but now I love it!

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So, I start a topic on opera, to provide a bit of culture and intelligent debate :shock: as light relief from usual discussion of examining chicken poo or feeding maggots etc.

What happens? We've gone from Donacelli to Bill & Ben! Via over a page of those naughty two at the back of the class misbehaving! :shock: Thank you Olivia for trying to calm them down in my absence. :wink:


Still, I won't object, on three counts;

1. It was really funny :twisted:

2. I didn't think anyone would reply to my 1st posting on this subject, but now my opera topic looks really popular with over 4 pages! 8)

3. I'm running out of anything else opera related.


Perhaps David Bowie should write an opera.

Could you ask him Olivia? :wink:

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Sorry Sheila - we got a bit carried away (yes, wearing those funny jackets that tie up at the back in a big white van with those men in white coats, probably!!)


Won't do it again, Miss................


Ok, so we probably will....................


Till next time................. :wink:

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Did you get my reply to your PM? I only ask because I replied to Lesley twice on a PM and she didn't get either of them so I resorted to going to the member list and PM'ing from there and that seemed to work OK. If you hadn't got my reply I was worried that you might think I was ignoring you!! Let me know and I will re-send it via the member list.


Have a nice day :D



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Hi Olivia! Only just seen this posting as my unread postings weren't ticked today (?!) so I've been slowly trying to work out what I have/haven't read :?

No, I have checked my PM's & def. not rec'd one from you. I was worried that I had offended you so did wonder if you weren't speaking to me! :oops: Luckily, I saw your earlier opera reply, so felt reassured. :D

But don't know why your computer doesn't like sending PM's. Please do have another go, if I receive it, I'll reply! :D Good luck :D

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I have just sent my reply to your PM again via the memberlist but it now seems to be stuck in my outbox!! I have pressed the send button several times so I have you aren't inundated by the same message loads of times!! If you are I apologise!!!


If you don't get it, all I will say is please DON'T WORRY !


Have a nice day!




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I haven't received PM's from Olivia and Gina apparently :? yet I have PM's from Sheila and Kate all the time?


I can't work out why there is a problem? - I think we all just click on the PM button at the end of a post but Olivia has to go into the Memberlist????


Can anyone think why?


Gina - I haven't received anything from you re Gardening - can you try again?

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Hi Lesley,


It's really odd because I am receiving PM's but can't reply to them. I sent sheila a PM this morning and it is now stuck in my outbbox having told me that the message has been sent so I have no idea whether it has got through or not!


I also have another problem in that the password James gave me doesn't work, I get to the forum via my favourites list and it takes me straight in without going through the password bit, but yesterday I wanted to have a look at the gallery so had to manually log in and it wouldn't accept my password - I double checked that it was right and it was so I am stuck. I have e-mailed James but I think he must be snowed under as he hasn't replied yet.


Can you wave your magic wand and help me?!





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Sometimes this forum is a bit naughty, Gina. Lesley sent me a PM ages ago which just wouldn't open! I think she'd lost the key!! Don't worry. I'm sure it will get back to normal and it's good that Olivia has contacted James because I'm afraid there's nothing that us mods can do with the PM system. It's more a site admin job.

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...... I have PM's from Sheila and Kate all the time?......?


:D:D Probably inundated, you're such a good listener. "Oh no, not another one from Sheila" :roll::D:D

Love the avatar Gina, you've changed, I'll get confused (I am already) :wink:

Olivia, Glad you posted again, I thought you had sent me to Coventry :shock: I'd rather go to the best stone town in England! :wink:

Just had a thought, I'm sure I had 4 Omlet notes telling me I had messages this morning, but only rec'd 2. That's odd. Although I could be wrong. Def. nothing at all from Olivia :cry:

But, if they're in your Outbox, Olivia, that means that they have been sent, but the recipient hasn't opened them yet. But I've just checked again, nothing there to read. Lost in cyberspace!

Perhaps James deleted them...you weren't swearing or calling me names were you?! :oops::shock::D

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I have just noticed something else funny happening on the forum, when you bring the main list up is shows that someone has posted a new message but when you go into the sub menu there is no sign of it anywhere - help, what is happening? Has anyone else noticed this or is it me and my computer??!!!!!




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I was just going to say Sheila, that messages in your Outbox just haven't been picked up yet - usually! :roll:


Re signing in - I quite often have to do this for some strange reason - Kate doesn't! I struggled until I realised that it wasn't my password that was required it was the password as issued by Omlet. PM me if that doesn't make sense - I have received PM's now from Olivia and Gina!


Sheila - I'd be disappointed if there weren't any messages when I come online :D


Is this your Opera topic? oops!

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I have just noticed something else funny happening on the forum, when you bring the main list up is shows that someone has posted a new message but when you go into the sub menu there is no sign of it anywhere - help, what is happening? Has anyone else noticed this or is it me and my computer??!!!!!




That happened to me yesterday but its OK today. I did notice that James had been on line at the same time :shock: Now he's inside my computer :shock:

Lesley, we'd all much rather talk about PM's than opera :wink: I don't mind. :cry:

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