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Guest Penguinmad

ooooer Sloe Gin

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I was thinking of making some this year, already got a kilner (leaky!) of blackberry vodka on the go but I'm a gin woman.


I just finished a bottle of wine (started it about 5 days ago) and thought how lovely it would be to have a small glass of port. I popped out to the kitchen to get one and didn't turn the light on (saving leccy) so I couldn't find it - but I found a bottle of sloe gin (NOT homemade) so I though as I was going to make some I should see if I liked it.


Oh dear.


Doesn't taste unlike port does it.


Oh dear.


I seem to like it.


Oh dear oh dear.


Will it really take a long time to be ready????


When do I pick those sloes?? I think I've seen some in the hedgerow, are they kinda like mini plums????

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When do I pick those sloes?? I think I've seen some in the hedgerow, are they kinda like mini plums????


Yes, tiny little plums with small green leaves Pengy.


If there is no chance of someone else getting them, leave them until the first frost. If someone might grab them, then pick them now and pop them in the freezer.


I don't drink ( :angel::wink: ) but always make sloe gin for friends.


It does taste better apparently after a year (2-3 if you can wait). I have a batch of last years for this years Christmas pressies.


The sloes down the lane are looking good, but have found a better stash further up the lane that no one knows about :wink: (blackberries too :D ). No where near as many as last year though.

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OH also made a blackcurrant vodka the same year and that was awful :shock:


Did he put sugar in it? Many years ago I made a sort of cassis with blackcurrants, vodka and sugar (like making the sloe gin really). It was very nice.


Sadly my blackcurrants are getting a bit old and the blackbirds get most of them before I do, so I haven't made it for a long itme.



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OK then I know where to find a fair few sloes - I've seen a few bushes in the big bridle path and there are enough blackberries to go round so I'm hoping there are enough sloes - I've also seen some in other hedgerows on less travelled paths.


But wait a year or two???


I'll PM you all my address for this years Xmas present......... :wink:


Actually I'm guessing Santa will just drop them off at Disney for us :lol: (yes I@m overexcited - I've NEVER been to Disney!)

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