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Scattering pellets!

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My four hybrids have suddenly started scattering their pellets everywhere. They were quite happy to eat them out of the galvanised metal feeder, but now are flicking the pellets out of the feeder all over the ground. Not only is it making a mess of the flooring (bark chips), but is a waste of money cos once it is on the ground I dont like to leave it as it gets mixed with the poo.


Any ideas how I can stop them? I do give them bits and pieces to keep them busy and they were fine up until about a week ago. Little devils. I have given them a good talking to, but it doesnt seem to have worked.

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I have the same problem. I have started making them a mash (pellets, poultry spice and garlic powder mixed with plenty of water) in a dog bowl. I also put a large square of food under their feeder so that any food that did get flipped out landed on that and not the ground so I could brush it back into the feeder.


Good luck.

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We had this problem with the grub feeders, one of the chooks takes great pleasure in flicking the pellets on the ground!

DH has since purchased a large sill try (? which you put plant pots onto on your window sill?) & drilled a hole in 2 opposite corners for 4 inch nails to fit through, so stopping the little tinkers from tipping the pellets onto the ground again! We've also got one under the water grub so the ground underneath doesn't get too soggy. Haven't drilled nails through this one though as it would tend to leak somewhat & defeat the object of having it!! :roll:


Maybe try a huge tray under the feeder as it's a stand-alone version? HTH


Sha xx

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The only way I could stop waste was by hanging a round plastic feeder at beak height so that they could not get their feet into it. I had to abandon the Grub feeders when I had an Eglu but now have a purpose built feeding house in the big run where I hang the feed containers.

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Thanks for the helpful advice.


I think I will try putting a tray underneath the feeder. Unfortunately it is not because they are getting in it with their feet and chucking it out, they are using their beaks! Naughty madams. At least with a tray I can salvage what they chuck out and hopefully keep the ground clear.

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