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Wow. I finally have an egg surplus. Fifteen eggs! FIFTEEN! They are slightly different browns so look lovely in my egg basket. I am going to have three small ones boiled for late brunch, but what to do if they keep laying so many? Give some away and get baking I suppose.


Had to share because it's eggsciting!


Anna x

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I get that warm feeling too Sara! I love my hens so much. It's making me sound like a freak to my non-henny friends!


I've never tried freezing eggs. Do you separate the whites and yolks first? How long do they keep?


Dancing Cloud - I covet an egg skelter. But I'm banned from getting one, as we got one of these in chicken form:




for 50p in a boot fair. It rocks, but it can only tak about 18 eggs. After that, I'm scuppered. I'm letting them build up so I can build a case with the other half for a skelter. Both the cool wooden basket and the skelter should appeal to his engineeringy geeky ways. Mwah ha ha ha ha!!!!


Anna x

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You can either separate them or freeze them as whole eggs (not cooked, but out of their shells). If you're separating them, it's best to either always freeze the same amount or label the containers, or you may not remember how many whites/yolks (if they break) are in there - voice of experience here :oops:


Rumour has it they keep for up to six months, but I use mine too quickly to test this :D

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