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How many dried meal worms are acceptable?

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I think I may have been over-indulging my girls as I have given them dried meal worms for over two weeks and they have at least 10 or more each every day. At least one or two of my girls have had runny poos since they arrived almost four weeks ago. How many dried worms is too many dried worms?

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Well, every day I give mine a handfull of dried mealworms in the morning with the mash mixed with water.


Then in the evening I give them another handful of live mealworms with their sweetcorn and bread or anything I have left over from tea.


If they are a bit runny maybe you could give them a bit of live yoghurt, or do you think they might be near their worming time?


Also as im sure you know bokashi helps :D



Best wishes

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My 2 get quite a few each day. As a crunchy topping to their Porridge in the morning :vom: and a handful between them in the evening. I toss them high in the air over the patio and it takes them all of 20 seconds to hoover up the lot :lol:


They are so dry and powdery I shouldn't think you could overdose them unless you give them bucketloads. And as Chelsea says, they are good for protein. :D

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I am a Bokashi Bran convert too. I thought it was a Holland and Barrett new age potion hokum thing for chickens, but it's not. My bokboks' poos are firmer (I have four hens) and my small bag seems to be lasting well, justifying the cost. I just chuck a handful in to the feeder every other day and swirl it round.


Anna x

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Well, looking at your replies it looks like its not the worms then! Poor things, they have been denied them for two days and have been very disappointed each time I've gone in the run. Worm withdrawal didn't work anyway, she still has yellow poos! I wonder, maybe I've been giving too much bran......

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