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Suggestions needed

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We have sectioned off part of the garden for the girls with picket fencing like this http://www.wickes.co.uk/Decorative/Fencing-Pale/invt/543228 The idea is that we can reclaim some of the garden for us and try and get it looking nice again.


However, all bar the ex batts can get over it.


We need suggestions for what we can put on top of it that isn't go to either cost a fortune or make the garden look like fort knox :roll: Chicken wire on top of it is a no no as we've already had one lucky escape with a chicken getting it's foot stuck in it and then falling and hanging down by it's foot :shock:


I had wondered about using fruit netting and bamboo canes somehow. What do you think?Any other suggestions gratefully received :)

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Anne, I've also had sucess with the Omlet 25m netting. I know at £62 it's not cheap but I found as it is green, it blends into the garden and grass and you hardly notice that the hens have their own bit of garden. I had a "permanent" bit sectioned off last Winter, then moved them to the other side of the garden in Summer. Just last week moved them to another position so the flexibility and ease of use of the netting has been a real bonus for me. Only had one escape when I put the eglu as a launch pad too near the fence. Other than that, no problems and I would recomend it.

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Thanks everyone :)


I think we are going to try the fruit netting and canes and somehow fasten it to the top of the fencing. Can't take the fencing up as it cost quite a bit and obviously there was the time it took hubby to do it as well.


We should really keep them in the run nearly all day but we're too soft :oops:

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I use a lot of fruit cage netting - it is very u"Ooops, word censored!"trusive and because it is so wibbly, they cannot perch on top to help themselves get over. I mistakenly replaced a section with a more rigid, green netting and now they hop on top and straight over :roll:


Snowy, did you get it online? Have had a quick look but got confused :oops:


Have just seen our black rock take a running jump and fly over the fence and half way down the garden as well. Methinks we will have to wing clip but I will have to find my big scissors first!

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