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Be a little careful when buying new chickens

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We bought our darling little amber star from a very good farm..all the chickens looked well-cared for and our girl was a treat to handle. She chose us and stared up at us to be taken home. How could we resist?


However - five weeks later we have discovered that the farmer's promise that she had been wormed was untrue. She has infested the other girls, who were very healthy. Also with lice too. She had a clear runny nose when we had her but we loved her at first sight so we overlooked it. Now all three chickens are sneezing and coughing.


We took them all to the vet this morning and they gave them an injection for the parasites. The colds are just a result of the infestation and there is no secondary infection. We were told their comparative good health (no floppy combs, hunched behaviour etc) was due to good husbandry. They have however lost weight.


I am cross with myself because I have spent so much time looking for my lost cat that I failed to spot the lice and it took my other half to see the worms. But most of all I am angry that I have been told that the amber star was wormed when she blatantly was not. Apparently the vets see that a lot. Perhaps it is the farmer saving money or an oversight - I would like to think the latter. My mood was not improved by being sent an invitation to a 'slaughter day' at the farm where I can learn to kill chickens. Sorry - my idea of hell for a gentle vegetarian gal.


So be a bit wary...I just trust people....

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please don't be too hasty with your thoughts. It takes very little time for the worms to take hold in a chicken. They are carried in earthworms and slugs, as well as by wild birds, so it is easy for chickens to pick them up. I have had to deal with worms before, even though I worm my girls every three months and keep them very clean. One earthworm later while free ranging and the whole gestation thing can start over.


Sorry you have had such a rotten time. meanwhile the Ambers are lovely aren't they. My Clem has an enormous personality (to match her size!) and is a gorgeous girl

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I want to think nice thoughts - really I do...but the vet said if she had been wormed, the infestation as it happened would not be there.


Yes I was tempted to get on the 'phone but at least my girls are OK and now seem remarkably chipper. They actually liked the vets and had a lovely time wandering around on the floor being treated like royalty..everyone thought they were so cute.


Amber Star - Lottie is the most beautiful little poppet. I just bend down and she lets me pick her up...the others at least try to get away!

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My caefully brought up young ladies (at that time all Omlet girls) had worms a good while back and were really quite off colour. I stopped the Verm-X :? and gave them Flubenvet and they were right as rain in no time.


Worms and lice are inevitable if they free range in an area where there are wild birds about.


Sorry you have had this unfortubnate experience. I hope they continue to improve.

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My girls have improved since going to the vets this morning - they just seem more themselves. You are right though - they are always with wild birds in our garden.


Really, the amber star's runny nose should have alerted us that she was not 100% but when you love 'em, you love 'em!


Impossible to resist an Amber Star. :D

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My girls have improved since going to the vets this morning - they just seem more themselves. You are right though - they are always with wild birds in our garden.


Really, the amber star's runny nose should have alerted us that she was not 100% but when you love 'em, you love 'em!



Hi there,

As another local,I would be really interested as to where you bought your Amber Star?


It may not be the farms fault,as if she is a genuine Meadowsweet AS,then Meadowsweet should have wormed her before she was sent off to the farm for selling................


Anyhow, where did you get her from - I am always on the look out for local chicken suppliers :roll::lol:



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No my cat is still lost...I think I am more anxious over the girls, having lost one pet already.


I hope that he is out there amongst people just like the ones on this forum...with big hearts and sensitivity.


It's very heard to bear at times but I can at least cuddle my girls..who are getting better by the minute.


Thank you for asking about the cat.

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