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Advice please! Bark chippings or Auboise?

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I have learned (after seven weeks) that moving the eglu & run won't preserve my grass, especially through winter. I like the idea of having a bark base but are there any down sides to it? I know some use Auboise, what are the reasons for using Auboise over bark please? We are enjoying this so much and want our girlies to have a run where they are happy, but we need a bit of happiness (and grass) too!!!


Many thanks,



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We use woodchip which works really well. We laye it about 3-4 inches deep and rake it over once a week (by which time they've kicked it all under the cube :roll: ) We then replace some of it about ever 6 weeks... or hose it down.


Auboise is like a straw and absorbs smells very well but it does soak up a lot of water... we use this in our nest box and cube but that's it.


I was told you shouldn't use bark at all as it can turn mouldy which isn't great for the girls.


I'd really recomend woodchip, we get ours from B&Q, you'll need about 3-4 bags for a 3 metre cube run.

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If your run is covered aubiose might be an option.


I'm using Easibed (very fine wood chip) inside the run and actually prefer it to aubiose which I was using before - it doesn't absorb as much water, I feel. I've got woodchip in the hen garden (their not at all foxproof daytime run) and that is fine but I don't think it's absorbent enough to be pooed on constantly.



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Thanks all for the tips. I should have included that the eglu run isn't covered - just the regular & winter shade from Omlet.


ValR - are the B&Q chips "Ground Cover. Natural Hardwood Chips 65L" please?


Thanks again, I knew you'd all have answers!




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I found this thread really interesting as like Townie I would like to leave my Eglu in the same place, not realy got the room to keep moving it and the same as Townie would like to keep some grass as I have a dog and a tortoise.. I like the idea of the wood chips so will wait for ValR to reply to Townie and it's off to B & Q this weekend. Just one question at the moment mine are on what is left of the grass and dig themselves a dirt bath in the soil, with the wood chips do you have to put a dust bath in??? Sorry for hijacking your thread Townie. :D

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Hi littlegem,

I have been to B&Q (already) today but can't get the woodchips. I think I can get the terracota but I wonder if the colouring is a bit fierce for our girls as it looks quite red on the website! I may have to find another supplier for the natural colour ones....




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Hi littlegem,

I have been to B&Q (already) today but can't get the woodchips. I think I can get the terracota but I wonder if the colouring is a bit fierce for our girls as it looks quite red on the website! I may have to find another supplier for the natural colour ones....






Aww that's a shame have they discontinued them or were they just out of stock. Did they have them on the website, I may have a look at Homebase today and see what they have but I'm not really sure what I am looking for is it just Ground Cover Natural Hardwood Chips I need..........Littlegem x

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I've also got the same problem,if you use woodchippings does that stop the earth being contaminated underneath and do you just rake it out regularly to get rid of the poo.



Earth contaminated......... :shock::anxious::eh: does the earth get contaminated....what do you do about that :!::!::!: . I rake mine out everyday to get rid of the poo, should I be doing something else too. By the way I tried Homebase for the woodchippings and they only had the bark........

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My purple eglu is due to arrive on Friday, I'm planning on putting it on wood chippings. I wasn't originally but was told by a friend who already has an eglu that the hens will scratch a lawn bald in a month. He keeps his on the bark from Homebase, and changes it about 3 times a year. I was thinking of getting the chunkier wood chippings from B&Q though, as the Omlet instructions say the chunkier the better.

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I found B&Q and Homebase sold woodchip for limited times only. Just when it's time for me to buy some more, they've sold out. A few months back no-one could any from there, they only had bark, then all of a sudden it reappeared.


I switched to Medibed when i couldn't get wood chippings (Medicated chopped straw for horses/small animals) and it's ok but now I've run out so will try something else out. I'd tried wood shavings first but found the shavings and chips took a long while to compost down. Aubiose/Hemcore may be next (Although, again, a few months ago people had a job getting that too) At this rate I'll keep going until I've tried it all!

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Earth contaminated......... :shock::anxious::eh: does the earth get contaminated....what do you do about that :!: :!: :!: . I rake mine out everyday to get rid of the poo, should I be doing something else too.


You should put down Garden Lime (from garden centres, NOT Builders' Lime) as this neutralises the acidity of the poo in the soil. Some forumites also use Stalosan F (I think it is called) which I believe is more of a disinfectant. (EDIT: apply the lime between changing the bedding - onto the bare soil, not sure how you apply the Stalosan)


You're very dedicated, raking out every day. Mine gets a spruce up every couple of weeks and a full change every couple of months, I use Easibed and have my eglu run pretty much covered.



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I found B&Q and Homebase sold woodchip for limited times only. Just when it's time for me to buy some more, they've sold out. A few months back no-one could any from there, they only had bark, then all of a sudden it reappeared.


I switched to Medibed when i couldn't get wood chippings (Medicated chopped straw for horses/small animals) and it's ok but now I've run out so will try something else out. I'd tried wood shavings first but found the shavings and chips took a long while to compost down. Aubiose/Hemcore may be next (Although, again, a few months ago people had a job getting that too) At this rate I'll keep going until I've tried it all!


You can be our Official Tester....... :lol: where do you buy this Aubiose and Medibed :?::?: and how often does everyone replace whatever they use :?::?:

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Earth contaminated......... :shock::anxious::eh: does the earth get contaminated....what do you do about that :!: :!: :!: . I rake mine out everyday to get rid of the poo, should I be doing something else too.


You should put down Garden Lime (from garden centres, NOT Builders' Lime) as this neutralises the acidity of the poo in the soil. Some forumites also use Stalosan F (I think it is called) which I believe is more of a disinfectant. (EDIT: apply the lime between changing the bedding - onto the bare soil, not sure how you apply the Stalosan)


You're very dedicated, raking out every day. Mine gets a spruce up every couple of weeks and a full change every couple of months, I use Easibed and have my eglu run pretty much covered.




Yeah the raking out every day may wear off...........excuse my ignorance but if I sprinkle Garden Lime on the dirt and then they walk on it won't it burn their little feet. PPGNR I have not got round to buying any bedding yet still deciding what to get. Where do you buy Easibed. God there's a lot to learn and remember. I have the run completely covered now and will just take it off if we get any sun leaving just the sun shade so that should stop it being a mud bath, then once I have put down woodchip or whatever I will not be raking every day. Thanks for your advice



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excuse my ignorance but if I sprinkle Garden Lime on the dirt and then they walk on it won't it burn their little feet


It's chalk so inert and won't hurt them.


I get my Easibed from a country store/horsey supplies place. It's about a pound a bale cheaper than hemcore/aubiose which is why I tried it and I'm very pleased with it.



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We are fairly new to keeping chickens and have found the forum to be really helpful. We've had our two girls since July 4th and have used woodchip since they ate/dug up the nice bit of lawn under the Eglu. We have looked at B&Q woodchip but it doesn't seem a fraction as good as some hardwood chips we get from a supplier we saw mentioned on the forum - http://www.flytesofancy.co.uk/ We find that regular clearing of the obvious poos keeps everywhere pretty clean and smelling fine. The woodchip should only need replacing every six months or so.


Some other good ideas we've used from the forum are: using clear corrugated plastic on top of the Eglu to keep the rain out. Using fruit netting over the chicken fencing to stop Blackie escaping from the extended run. Using sweetcorn to get Blackie and Ginger back into the run - at speed! Even the cure for dealing with a broody hen worked a treat.



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You can be our Official Tester....... :lol: where do you buy this Aubiose and Medibed :?::?: and how often does everyone replace whatever they use :?::?:


Well i got medibed from my local horsey/small holder supplier (Upsons, Hatfield Peverel, Essex) and it lasted about 2-3 months. Just depends on how big an area your covering. (My girls live in part of my shed so it covers the floor as well as ther run but and eglu would need hardly any) Just bought Hemcore (the British version of Aubiose - which is french I believe) yesterday so when i clean the girls out at the weekend I'll let you know how they like it. Pretty certain it'll be a hit as nearly everyone on here loves the stuff. Cost me £7.05.

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my hens are currently sinking in mud! they were on grass but like a few people I don't want all my grass destroying. my ladies are kept at the end of the garden on the only flat bit. The grass has gone and with all the rain its now a bog. I must get something to put in their run and I'm so confused after reading all these replies. I must get round to building a covered run at the end of the garden sometime, but until then, wood chippings or what? and where from?


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my hens are currently sinking in mud! they were on grass but like a few people I don't want all my grass destroying. my ladies are kept at the end of the garden on the only flat bit. The grass has gone and with all the rain its now a bog. I must get something to put in their run and I'm so confused after reading all these replies. I must get round to building a covered run at the end of the garden sometime, but until then, wood chippings or what? and where from?



I feel the same it's confusing isn't it :anxious: I suppose it's a case of trying a few of the things suggested and finding what suits us.........I am having problems finding somewhere near me that stocks any of it :!::!:

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Having tried grass (it didn't last long), bark chips (not very absorbant and take ages to compost), Hemcore (pretty good and smells nice but is a devil to get out of the bale) and Aubiose, I would definitely recommend the Aubiose. It's very easy to distribute, soaks up poos like a sponge, and composts brilliantly when you want to change the bedding. I use it in the run, poo tray and nest box now. I sprinkle my own citronella oil as I think that's the only thing it lacks. :D

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Following advice, I have now been searching for woodchips and it's like finding a needle in a haystack!!! Tree Surgeon was unimpressed by delivering a small quantity (in his terms, not mine!), the local woods won't be coppicing until Feb, all the shops have stopped (after summer I assume) so tomorrow I'll call the council and see if they have any.

Just on the off chance, do any of you know a supplier in Essex? Billericay, Basildon, Brentwood, Chelmsford, I'll happily go there & bag some up myself!





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