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HELP - POL legbar passing red, stringy stuff

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I'm a bit worried about Coriander. As the lowest in the pecking order, she sometimes has the odd day feeling a bit sorry for herself, but soon brightens up. Today though, she didn't really want to come out of the cube and when she did, had a stringy, red mass stuck to her foot. There was also a chunk of it in the poo trays.


I've let them out and she's currently asleep in the sunshine (legs and wings akimbo). I'm worried about stressing her out by catching her to examine (she's not very tame yet and not so ill that she can't run away from me). Could she have a broken egg inside her? None of them have laid yet, but they do have omega-3 layers and plenty of oystershell available. Or could she be building up to lay and it's just a practise?


In short, should I panic yet or am I being an overprotective new chook-mummy?



T x

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Thanks ANH. As I've lost my phone's USB cable in the move it has taken a while to work out how to get pic from phone to t'web. As a beginner I won't attempt to embed an image in the forum just yet.


Please see http://www.pompom.vox.com .


I know it looks quite wormy, but I think it's just mucus - if you stretch them, they get thinner and break - much less sturdy than a worm. She's just got up for a wander round and doesn't appear to have passed any more. I managed to pick her up earlier while she was sleeping and her vent seems OK - a bt dry and very slightly crusty, perhaps. She is very quiet but well enough to get the hump and put up a good fight when you pick her up to look at her :?

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Not really, as they're so small, camera phone freaks out if I get too close! Have added another to above link. It's about the size of a 20p piece. Looks like she did a few of them in the night - the first seems to have been a tiny bit that was part of a normal poo. Poor baby.


I'd best locate a flubenvet supplier! Is it prescription-only?

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Hello love! Just replied to your email and now I find you on here too! I have a huge pot of Flubenvet if you want to pop by and pick some up. I know you are a little way away but you are most welcome. We are home most of the weekend x


PS if you do come over this way I can point you in the direction of some Aubiose - its only a couple of minutes up the road.


P.P.S did I say congrats on getting your girls :wink: . I bet life is already unimaginable without them!

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Thanks Egluntine - I can add my name to the Egluntine-worship thread now!


Also thanks to Redfrock - we'll assess the situation and may pop down at the weeknd. Good to hear from you - another huge email reply sent :D


Fingers crossed my baby girl is still with us tomorrow. She perked up a treat when OH came home and gave her a cuddle, then strutted round the garden and had something to eat. It's the first day he's been at work (ie not in the garden all day) since we got the girls and as the sensitive one, I think she really missed him.

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