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info on worming

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I have had my girls now for 2 weeks and they are fine and enjoying life, the dog!! and the garden.


I am new to hen keeping and reading through the forum have picked up lots of information but I do need a bit of info on some things. Could someone tell me do you worm chucks as a matter of course every 3 months or so (mine are about 18 weeks old and free range a lot). Also garlic powder and organic apple cider vinegar how much do you add and to what.



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Yes, I think most people worm their hens regularly as a matter of course. Every 3 months seems to be the norm. Flubenvet is the best thing to use.


Garlic powder can be added to their pellets. I just chuck a few scoopfuls into the box I keep the pellets in. Some people add a teaspoon to a grubful.


Apple Cider Vinegar can be added to their water. Some say you can add it every day, others say it should be added for one week out of four (don't know which is right :? ). I add a squirt to their glug when I (or OH) remembers!

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I have been using Verm-x (I think that's how you spell it!) once a month as I understand it is more natural and you can continue to eat the eggs. Given that everyone else seems to be using something different can anyone advise me please. Is the stuff I am using no good?


This is why I joined the forum, to find just this sort of thing out :D




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