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Aunty e

Home Alone

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SO I've worked out a rota with OH for looking in on the chooks while I'm away, and they willl only be alone for two nights at a time. I've got a few questions though, I@m going to buy some big cheap plastic feeders for using while we're away, but I@m not sure how much water or food chooks consume a day so I don't know which size to buy. I've also made an alternative nesting box for the broodys to live in, do you think (bearing in mind I have five in lay and two brooding) I should make them another one?

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8) Glad the plans are working out, we've made ours semi self sufficeient for those occasional no chook sitter nights.

My most urgent thing was to think how much water then at least double it! I couldn't bear the thought that one container might fall/get knocked over & leave them thirsty. So, even for 2 chickens, I had 3 containers, one hanging & 2 heavy on ground.

As many as you can manage for 7 birds in this weather! An old casserole dish or heavy bowl is good.

Another extra nest box does sound a good idea!

Have a good time! :)

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I seem to remember reading somewhere that laying hens need about 120g of mash or pellets a day. I have a large scoop that holds around 200g, so I give my two a full scoop between them in the morning and then top it up in the evening if necessary (it depends on how much they've thrown on the ground :roll: ).

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If you want to give your chicken carers want a phone number for support or advice, Aunty e, then give me a pm: I'd be very happy to do this. Feel a bit guilty for not offering to be more hands on really, as you're not far away, but just those few miles probably means 45mins to an hour each way on public transport! :(

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Don't feel guilty! I couldn't face travelling all that way either, it makes a real difference in london. Luckily the people keeping an eye on the chooks wrangle them with me quite a bit, so fingers crossed should know their way around a chook. I'm picking up chicken bribes this weekend to make getting them back in the run easier, as normally we would let them out as long as they wanted, but since the ruddy fox came, we've had to supervise them for every second they're not in the run. Which means they're feeling a bit hard done by on the playtime front and won't go back in, which was the only thing worrying me about leaving them with someone new.

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Hi Aunty e -if you're still needing some cover for when you're away, then PM me; Phil has a friend living in Hackney, who wants to get an eglu and chooks (we've been working on them :wink: ) and this might be an ideal introduction for him to the world of chooks keeping. They are a lovely family and very responsible. If you still need someone, PM me which road you're in and I'll find out if they're close.

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