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Increasing chicken numbers !

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I've just been reading that having three chickens is a good idea incase you lose one. I've had an eglu and 2 chickens since 25th sept and they have settled in well. I would quite like to introduce another chicken. Neither hens are laying yet and I'm wondering if it it better to introduce another now whilst the others are still quite young. I don't have any separate housing for the extra one if I get one. Any ideas? Hope you don't mind me gate crashing your question Andy!!

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It is always harder to introduce a single hen into an established group, however the younger they are and the nearer they are in age to the newbie the easier it would be. There are lots of threads about introductions but here is one of the main ones..


Introducing point of lay hens


3 hens will fit easily into the Eglu but as far as the run is concerned so long as it is being moved around regularly and even better if they can free range then this should be ok.


I'd say introduce sooner rather than later as they will be better behaved they younger they are I think. I have only introduced them in small groups but I'm sure someone will be along soon who has added one to a twosome.

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it took me over a week, and completely seperate living accomodation and run to introduce our third chicken to the other two we'd had a week...




theya re great now..but see Eglutines thread...its really helpful


I hadnt seen it..and thought it would be ok..and it wasnt....


I used a large cat basket inside a large dog crate,,,,,with waterprroof cover seperate feeders and water (plant pots from ikea actually), and newspapers and blanket over the cat carrier..and the weather was warmer then...


worth it in the long run..but you do need something else to house the new one in...


oh and I have a converter on my run too now...


P.S if you get another 2 birds, it will quench your desire for even more chickens for longer....i have 3 and would like a flock!!



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I was advised adding one chook v bad idea.. go for two to two or more depending on wether they are in a run or free range.


The eglu isn't the problem, they can fit in there at night, one nest box might be an issue, haven't had a problem with that personally, I've got 4 hybrids in my eglu. But mine are never in the standard run together, they are out and free ranging all day. I wouldn't put mine all together in the run yet as they are still establishing their flock. They are fine all together when out, but if one of the new ones gets into the run with an old one, the old one will go for newie every time.


I know it's so tempting to add chooks, but when I finally did it took alot longer than I expected and alot more effort than I expected. I don't want to put you off, but if you're going to increase your flock, make sure you've got enough run space and a bit of time.


Hope that helps.

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I always wondered with regards to introducing 1 new hen to 2 or 3 original hens - could you not get the extra hen at an older age? I.e. 12-18 months? So that they are slightly wiser and might take the role of top chook rather than being bullied by all the original bunch??


When I bought my 5, my poland who was at least 6-12 months older instantly became the top chook even though the other 4 had all been in together for the day prior to me picking them up and the poland was last one in the box.


Maybe worth a try? Might make intros easier. :)

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I was just wondering...my Beautiful Brahma, Brenda, has been broody for most of the summer. She has just snapped out of this now. However - when I let the girls out earlier for a wander, I noticed Brenda is looking rather plucked! There are alot of feathers in their run, all Brenda's, and she is looking patchy around her bottom and sides and has lost all feathers off of her feet. Is she just moulting or is this the wrong time of year?


Many thanks in advance.




ps. hey to Bondinho!!


pps. Not sure I have submitted this message correctly! I'm blowed I could work out how to start a new thread thingy!

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