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Has anyone mixed Wyandottes with hybrids in a cube?

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:? As an absolute chicken novice and not having got my chickens yet, I hope to get hybrids for eggs but have been tempted by the Wyandottes because of their pretty feathers. As they appear to be bigger than the hybrids, could I mix a couple of them with hybrids in a cube? Would try to get them all at the same time as the stories of chickens pecking one another are a bit alarming atm. :anxious:


Also, as the Wyandottes are bigger, does this mean that the bantam variety are bigger than other bantams and would it be better to mix my hybrids with Wyandotte bantams? :?


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I haven't got wyandottes but I have mixed pekins, buff Orp bantams, brahmas, miniature brahmas, cochins, RIR miniatures and hybrids.




I did have some problems at first with my pekins mixing with the big girls but I kept them separate for a while and then let them mix for an hour a day until they were fine together. Then my pekins moved into the cube with the big girls through choice.


I usually let them sleep where they want to within reason. In fact, I have just checked on the girls and in one cube tonight there are two RIR minis, three pekins, one buff Orp mini, two cochins, two brahmas, one brahma mini, three hybrids and one ex-batt. I have to confess that tonight I have moved a few out to the other cube. 15 in one cube is a bit cramped.

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Yes, I have 2 blue laced Wyandottes living in a cube with hybrids. Although the Wyandottes are bigger than the hybrids, they are very amenable (and rather dim, I'm afraid) and are near the bottom of the pecking order. I didn't have any particular problems introducing them to the other girls, and they have never been aggressive with the other hens - quite the opposite in fact. You should be ok, particularly if you get all your hens at the same time.

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