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Guest Debs13

New Postal Rates

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We have just had the new Royal Mail leaflet explaining the new postal rates :shock:


Is it me or what? :shock::shock:


Another load of unfathomable jargon to make life more difficult


What was wrong with 1st and 2nd class letters and parcels? Now it is all about the size of your letter


Anyway off to get my tape measure :wink:

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We had ours last week. Although I understand how it works, I can't see me remembering about size as well as weight and which class. I'll just have to stick to little envelopes! :shock: Seems too complicated, but maybe we'll get used to it! :?

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We've been working on thsi for ages at work, as I oversee 5 offices. I went to the post office to get some of the new posters detailing how to weigh/measure your letters and the rates - there had been a mis-print and thousands of leaflets had had to be trashed :roll: More in later. We have our rulers and instruction sheets though. The Post Office I went to were mocking the new system as a load of rubbish :lol:

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I don't go if I can help it. I buy stamps in bulk direct from their website and use the website to get prices for the weights of things. That way I hardly ever need to go! :D

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How much would it cost if it were 2 A4 sheets folded to A5?

I'm sure you won't be the only charity affected.


It would be cheaper to post but more expensive at the printers to get them to collate and then fold A4 to A5. At the mo they print A3 double sided for us and then as it comes out of that machine it goes straight into folding machine that folds it in half. Either way we do it we are going to pay a lot more. Just a matter of sorting out which id the cheapest option :x

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