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Laura & CTB

Been choosing chickens!

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Hi all


Yesterday I went to a bantam breeder to choose some chickens for pick up at end of September. She had about 40 chicken houses and just as many breeds to look at!


I have more or less decided on a wyandotte, a brahma and an araucana ( with a silkie or pekin as standbys if the above turn out not to be hens :!: )


The only problem is that they are only two weeks old at the moment - this means I mught have to wait an extra couple of weeks before I can have them :cry:


But boy, were they so cute............just tell me once more - how many bantams will fit into an eglu ????? :wink:

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Hi there Laura.

I went Bantam shopping this week too, & have chosen a Lemon Cuckoo Pekin, a Millefleur pekin, A black & gold poland & a Blue Siklie.

We are fitting these 4 into our yellow MK1 Eglu :P


Mine are all 6-8 weeks & every one is as cute as a button :P

They just sit in your hand like litle fuzzy tennis balls :P:P


Names - thats the next decision...although it looks like they may be named for sweeties - Humbug,Sherbet etc :lol:

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