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Eggstraordinary Outfits

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:lol: I hope I'm not the only one who does this, or I'll make myself look like a right idiot... 8):oops:

I'm sure my neighbours think I'm absolutely crazy, because I'm often spotted in the garden early in the morning, wearing my bright pink dressing gown chasing the chickens around.... and then yesterday I had to sort out a soft shelled egg and I had just come home from a party so I found myself lugging straw around the eglu while wearing a pink and black cocktail dress.... and this morning it was too hot to wear my usual chicken-cleaning-out-eglu-outft, so I wore an old pyjama vest top, a denim mini skirt, a questionnable pink headband, pink disposible gloves and my crazy flowery wellies!!! Does anyone else feel that chicken keeping has totally destroyed any sanity in their wardrobe? I'm sure the neighbours must think I'm bonkers :?:oops:

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:lol: haha yep i am also one of those crazy clothed chicken owners!! especially in the mornings! Usually consists of PJ's and a pair of muckers or mules on over my fat slippers - so i walk reallllly funny!!! becuase my slippers dont fit in properly! And yesterday was a bit embarrasing! - meringue poo'ed on my leg as she was sitting on my knee a bit too long :roll: and my eglu-cleaning out-pants had to be washed pronto! as it was v.v.v hot i didn't bother going putting on clean clothes, so i was walking round the garden in just my knickers :oops: ok, they were girls boxers so they are kinda like shorts but still - i must have looked such a state! :oops::shock::oops: neighbours must have thought i was on day release from some mental institution! don't think anyone saw though so that's ok!
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My principal crime is dashing out at 7am, or earlier, in PJ's & whatever shoes are the closest at hand & will slip on easily, be they slippers, sandals, wellies or stilletoes :roll: I don't know if the neighbours ever see me, but if they don't like it they can look away. Both sides get the benefits of excess eggs so they can look away or get an eyeful, whichever they prefer :) . That said, as a 42 yr old mother of 2 I'm not really worth too much gawping at really :oops:

That said last saturday hubby took me to a work do, left MIL babysitting. Got in at 2am, just a little bit tipsy :oops: . Did I go and chack that my children were sleeping soundly :? , no, went to stagger into the garden, long dress, strappy high heel sandals, and full warpaint, to check that they'd all remembered to lock the eglu properly in my absence, and to breathe alcohol fumes on my poor roosting chickens.

Glad the neighbours didn't see that one :oops:

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:lol::lol::lol: - Carl is a member of your club Sarah.


I have to confess that I have just taken the girls some cabbage leaves wearing just a pair of knickers and blue flip-flops :oops: As long as I stick to one part of the run I cannot be seen - I hope - not a pretty sight :shock::?

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I'm so hot I don't care!


I'd reckoned without the maket gardener who has just started to rent a part of the field at the back of us as well - he decided to come along with another man to look at their lettuces :shock: We don't usually see anyone in the field :?

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:D:D:D And I have to remember not to still be in just a nightie in the garden when the builders arrive at 7.30, to save their embarrassment more than mine really!

A couple of days ago the young lad digging a deep soakaway had taken off his shirt, I didn't think anything of it. When he heard me step into the garden, he hastily put it on! Luckily we talked about chickens :roll: which avoided any awkwardness. But I kept wondering whether he was embarrassed, or whether he thought I would be embarrassed, or whether he thought ...well, I don't know! Young man! :shock:

But Imogen, you're right, anything goes 1st thing in the morning! The worst time was when I had to run out at 5.30 to shut them up 2 days running. No time for decency!

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I just had to do that, run out to shut them up, hence the indecently early post. What is the matter with these girls, Onion leading the trio in her best cockerel impression :roll: Is it the heat do you think, or is it more likely to have been a predator of some description that scared them. Whatever, that's me awake for the day now, along with half the neighbourhood :oops::oops::oops:

And I was almost decent as I rushed out to them. PJ's & flip flops :):)

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:shock::D:D Well, I just couldn't risk it with neighbours so I've resorted to locking them in the eglu until I let them out at a more civilised 6.45 or a bit later even at w/e.

We wondered if our 2 pairs wanted each other but if yours are doing it from one eglu its not just that. I think it could be warning off cats, or just a joining in dawn chorus. But I've had to stop it (it was as loud as cockerels!)and they don't mind the lie- ins. Its all quiet , they aren't scratching to be let out, so I'll return to that.

It's a pain as I'd hoped to let them be semi self-sufficient when we're away occasionally. I would rather have known they could get to their food & water early, even if a chickensitter arrived late. My biggest fear is someone forgetting, or being delayed, and they'd be locked in eglu. So its a shame having trained them to look after themselves! The benefit is the extra safety of course.

I may try again sometime but only when 2 sets of neighbours are away, 5.30 is not acceptable, even OH was cursing them!

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We are fortunate in that we dont have neighbours....................................but forget a bus passes!I often nip out in my nightie + slippers/wellies depending on season, to let geese out. Anyhow.one day nipped out in nightie & slippers...............heard a noise.......................forgot major transport had been rediverted through our village! So t here am I in nightie, in paddock..when a bus load passes.....all with eyes right! ie on me!

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8):lol: Well - I'm very gald I'm not the only one!!!

I let the eglu door a little bit open for them last night as it was so hot, and boy, did I regret it :shock: Running down into the garden to shut a very noisy chicken up at 6am is not my idea of fun :roll: I was so grouchy!!! Florence was making a big fuss because Gerty was laying and egg without her.

I gave her some corn and topped up the food and then I went back to bed... only to get up again at 6.30! More fuss. The third time the crowing started (around 6.45) I refused to budge from my bed, complaining I'd be shattered for my exam this morning!! So my mum very helpfully went and occupied Florence.

Oh well. At least the exam is over now. It was so difficult!! And I couldn't think, all that was going through my head was an array of Red Hot Chili Peppers songs :oops:8) Everyone found it difficult though, and some of my friends didn't finsih in time :roll: Just one more to go!! All over tomorrow!!

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Oh, good luck Imogen, at least that's another one over, nearly finished now. Then it'll be that awful wait until the results in August :roll:

My chooks were up at the crack of dawn today, 5am :shock: . Wanted to celebrate the summer solstice no doubt :?

But they did us a bit of a favour, I think :?

Hubby went out to shut them up, and as he returned to bed (muttering vile things about barbeques :shock: ) we heard a car pull up outside. Mr Nosey looks out of the window, & there's a young woman wrenching out my lovely solar powered outside lights :shock: . He shouted, she scarpered, leaving 2 behind- she got 1 perfect 1, & another with a flat bulb/ battery or whatever. Police responded amazingly quickly :) , I just hope they're that rapid for serious crimes too, and apparently the same car was linked with a theft of hanging baskets locally last week. So someone around here is working hard at their garden :roll:

So hubby was entertaining police at 5:20am- all thanks to my chickens & their early morning alarm calls :roll:

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:shock: Blimey ... whats the world coming too .... I usually have a nosey too, if I hear a car at an odd time (esp after the lady 2 doors up was murdered by her financial advisor :shock: ).


Alot of garden stuff is nicked ... bet you were glad he WAS nosey on this occasion. :wink:

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