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Favourite chicken things (part 2)

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I know this posting has been done before but have no idea how to find it


These are my two most recent purchases. OH restricts my buying of chicken things. I have always wanted a recycled plastic bag chicken (sad I hear you cry) but they have always been quite big however I found a lovely small one in Brighton. The other one is a little soft toy that I got at Pisa airport.




Oh no! The pics are to big! HELP

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Find the thread/webpage you want, copy the address, post it in your reply and highlight it and click on the URL box at the top.


Then it becomes a link. Changing the link to "Here is is" etc is a little more complicated. Have a try in teh testign section if you like, I'll help....


anyway, back on topic: I have been very restrained and those two funny chickens are the only chickeny things I have... oh, apart from OH's legs! :wink:

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