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Green stuff

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Hi Everyone

Like many other chicken staff/ owners, we've discovered that our girls go crazeee for spinach, lettuce etc. ANything green but especially spinach. Is it possible to give them too much? I'm thinking about the oxalic acid that's in spinach (same stuff as makes you cry with onions)..



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Hi sara, I remember seeing somethiong on the practical poultry forum about that but can't really remember what but I do remember they recommended giving them a measured amount to make sure they don't overdo it. I give mine spinach as they love it I hope I'm not giving them too much :shock:

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That web-site is interesting and helpful. Thank you. Apparently they live on spinach during the summer months according to the guy who posted it. Shame about his tediously sexist remark but hey.. can't have it all!


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