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Wow, what a day...

spent all day in the garden with the girls - the LOVE their eglu, we've scattered hemcore in the run and put the eglu in the top corner of the garden (I can see them when Im at the sink).


Our garden is very "jungle" like - lots of ferns/palms/tree ferns/bamboos...(indiana Jones would fit in lovely)..so the (green eglu) fits in great and really blends in - it looks beautiful.


Girls took to their home VERY quickly - I have heard some people have problems getting their girls in the eglu - not mine - they've been in and out constantly....been scurrying in the hemcore, hubby hung up a CD for them to look in and we put some logs in the run for them to perch on.


The only problem - THE DUSTBATH - I made one with cat litter tray and playsand - but THEY EAT THE PLAYSAND :shock::shock::shock:


I hope this wears off - ???


all in all a fab day and Its the best thing we've purchased for a long time!!

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getting better thanks - im still deaf though.


I have been in soooo much pain since Monday, 1st the doc gave me drops but my ear canal was swollen so much they wouldnt go in, then they gave me antibiotics - they didnt work - so doc gave me some stronger ones...luckily they are working.


Ive been in a right state though - im not religious - but I was actually praying at night for the pain to go away - it was that bad :shock:


Im due to go back to work on monday - so hope I can hear by then !

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