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Omletina Kyckling

Egg box labels

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I thought you might be interested, that I have made some labels for my egg boxes - I copied photos of each of my 9 girls into Excel and typed their names underneath so each girl is identified. I then just print them off as a panel of 9, cut them out and stick them on existing 6 egg boxes. I write the initial of whoever laid the egg onto the egg in pencil, with the date and weight.


My eggs are rather in demand since I joined the WI and WI choir. On Wednesday night, we had choir practice, and I took three boxes along and was mugged for them as I walked in! I sell them for £1.50 for 6 and the ladies are thrilled....It was really funny as partway through practice I heard a rustling noise from behind and could overhear the conversation as the ladies took each egg out in turn, looked at the initial, then at the photo of the girl on the box. The ladies love all the different coloured eggs and really appreciate them, which makes me very happy!!


One lady who is a cakemaker extraordinaire told me that my eggs make the best cakes she has ever made!


Life doesn't get better than that does it?!! :wink:

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Great idea. :D


I agree with the point about cakes. I never had much success with sponge cakes till I used my girl's eggs. They always sank. Now they are fantastic, and I'm sure it is to do with the freshness and the superior protein content having more 'muscle' and maintaining the rise.

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