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Ducks dont need to have a specific nesting box just a square for them to sleep in with plenty of wood shavings(easier to clean) the domestic ducks dont perch. They will make a lovely mess (the more the better) Clean the house once a week, thats all. They just sleep on the floor. They are prone to leg and feet problems and the ladder ie with the cube will be so unsuitable. I visited a lady with an eglu and cube and I did feel sorry for the Aylesbury duck being in an eglu..Ducks must have water.

The eggs will be laid in a clutch in the shavings..you will normally notice a mound, and thats where they will be,

I did try to see the duck eglu and couldnt find it??


Ducks are really cute and they never ate my plants at all...they love snails(not slugs) and will root around the grass they dont scratch. Just waddle!

Good luck


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I would say it is just minus the roosting bars as well - there didn't used to be a specific Duck Eglu - just an Eglu and you didn't use the bars. I started off my ducks in an Eglu and filled the tray with straw.


Mindy liked the nestbox and went broody - she has hatched two batches of eggs in there now!

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I've just checked in the Shop - not easy to find, I put 'Ducks' into the Search facility.......you're right, it does say it comes with roosting bars........I should imagine they've used the blurb from the Eglu and not changed it, I'll try to find out.


You wouldn't use the roosting bars for ducks!.

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