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Mel (& Paul)

Charity Giving and Gift Aid

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As so many omleteers are great givers - particularly to the Battery Hen Welfare Trust - and to others on the forum that are doing great charity work I thought it would be worth reminding you all about Gift Aid.

If you go onto the Trusts website: http://www.thehenshouse.co.uk and click on donations you can download a form which enables the charity to reclaim the takx you pay on donations

It doesnt matter if you have already made donations, the form will allow the charity to reclaim any tax on donations from April 2000 and on into the future

You need to be a UK tax payer - but make sure you do it - afterall it isnt often "we" get something out of the government :D

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That's a very good reminder, Mel!


The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) can be used so that when you make donations through an account with them, all your donations appear on your CAF statement and you don't have to remember each one for the tax return. http://www.cafonline.org/


In this case it is CAF that reclaims the tax using Gift Aid not the individual charity, so your donation can be a bit bigger to reflect this. (Hope that's not confusing!)

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People may be interested in this site http://www.everyclick.com


If you do your internet searches through this site, they will send money to your designated charity (now includes the Battery Hen Welfare Trust). The more searches you do, the more the charity benefits. You have to register. I read an article about it - it seems OK - they donate 50% of their advertising revenue to the charities that are registered with them, and share out the money depending on how many searches the various supporters do.


I've been using it for a while - it's OK, but for some searches Google is better. But for simple searches it is fine, and you can keep track of how much 'your' charity is raising via the website.


Best wishes

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Don't forget that you can also use Give As You Earn (GAYE). I don't know how many employers use it, but mine does (even though there are only 30 employees).


My regular donations are deducted from my pay BEFORE the tax - so it goes direct to the charity and they do not need to reclaim the tax because it is already included.


It means that I appear to give more (because I pay it including the tax rebate) but it is most convenient for me and for the charity.

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when we got our girls from haslingden we gave adele £10, we didn't sign anything at that point but i'd like the bhwt to claim back the tax if it can on the extra £8 (the girls cost £2 the rest was a donation)


is there anything we can do to help them get the tax back or it too late?




p.s. can you PM as i might not see your reply

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