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what time are yours going to bed

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Isn't it interesting how on the whole everyone's birds go to roost at the same time? I know it's timed with the onset of dusk n stuff but fascinating all the same. Mine go around 5.30 too, with Wilma heading up first, but then she's always the last to settle down, preferring to keep popping her head out of the pop hole to see what's going on.

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Mine head off to bed about 6-ish and are now wanting breakfast to be served at about 6.30. At the height of last summer, they went to bed at 10.30 and were awake at 5-ish :shock: (and I needed to shut them in and cover the cube with a tarp to stop them singing for breakfast before 5.00). Sleep, who needs it? :D

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The older ladies head back into the run around 5 and are normally in bed by 5:30. They sleep with the Eglu door open, but the run closed up tight. Our Easter Egger (mutt) is in for the night, but the two nutty Welsummers will almost always get back up and come out to say hello when I let the dogs out at 11. They then proceed to have their second dinner before going back to bed. Pretty sure this isn't normal chicken behavior.

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My 2 GNR always go up the ladder first at about 5.30 then PP is always too busy pecking about. The others pop their heads out to her as if to say "are you coming to bed yet ?"

Thats why we called her Evie - sort of short for evening. Silly I know.She goes up the ladder about 10 - 15 mins later than the other 2.


(cube lilac)

PP Evie

GNR Charlotte

GNR Matilda

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Well, our cube is like that old sitcom Butterflies when they are moving the cars off the drive.......two go in, then one comes out, then another two go in and one comes out, then the rest go in and one jumps out :roll:

so I just leave them till its dark and take a torch up with me to make sure they are in.

So dawn to dusk.........if only babies, kittens and puppies were so good :doh:

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