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chickens eating polystyrene?

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hi I am worried that my chickens have been eating polystyrene and foam bits that keep blowing into the garden!!!!


Just moved into a new house that is on a growing development and they started last week building the house behind ours. the problem is that bits of polystyrene and expander foam and other bits of rubbish keep blowing into the garden.


It's not really the builders fault as they are only little bits that the wind gets but i have just had to wrestle a bit out of my chickens mouth!!


I am very worried what it could do to them and also I don't think I can keep them in the run till the house is finished in June!!


I am hoping it just passes through!!!



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Our mad three love this sort of stuff too. OH has been using a type of this to fill holes around where we have new french windows before plastering. As soon as the door is open, given half a chance the girls are in and pecking away at it and we have to shoo them off.

Problem sorted today however as the plasterer arrived :lol: Funny to watch though.

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