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Kate - I've tried getting hold of Inovia (?) over the last couple of days to order a catalogue for essential oils, but the number goes through to an architect who has no idea what I'm talking about. Is the company still there or have they moved?


I've tried to check the number with BT but they don't have a listing...


Any ideas???


Oh dear. No I've not heard that they've moved but it's a huge farmhouse on the outskirts of town so they could easily have leased the office to someone else. I've checked the phone numbers with the ones on my catalogue and they are correct. I can't find the last bill as that had the phone number and address etc on. I went to collect some things at the beginning of July and they were still there. Hmmm, I'll investigate!



Yes, you're dead right. Same phone number - different business at a different address. Must have changed their phone number. The second number I posted doesn't work at all. I wonder where they've gone? Oh flump!!!!


- I've just done a google for them and there's no sign of them locally anymore. That's a real nuisance - I'm back to tiny bottles of essential oils again unless I can find another supplier. There is one that Mrs Nesbitt posted on another forum - I'll find the details and post them here.

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Don't worry Mel :wink: ! It's not your fault, the architects got it wrong because there are two numbers for small orders on the catalogue and the one you posted is the second one but for some reason, it's never worked! I've rung it before and it makes a funny noise! I tried the bulk sales number in desperation thinking that I'd be back to buying tiny bottles from Boots again and it worked!!

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Don't worry Mel :wink: ! It's not your fault, the architects got it wrong because there are two numbers for small orders on the catalogue and the one you posted is the second one but for some reason, it's never worked! I've rung it before and it makes a funny noise! I tried the bulk sales number in desperation thinking that I'd be back to buying tiny bottles from Boots again and it worked!!



As long as I am forgiven.... :roll::?:wink:

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:shock: Oh, I thought I had my very own thread here Kate, but you've dropped my name from the title :cry:

Obviously you realise I haven't been doing any cleaning :wink:

Except the Eglus! :lol:

I'm only teasing, very happy that we can all enjoy these recipes, and know where to go ( :?::shock: ) for our oils.

Just need some for soot on carpet, cement/plaster dust on every carpet & surface, etc etc :roll::twisted::evil:

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:lol::lol:8) Love the title, thank you dear friend!

Long term Louise, those tips will be really useful. I'm just working on the plan to rid myself of the builders altogether, its driving me nuts.

A bit shutting the stable door after horse has bolted, as soot & bricks have greeted us twice already (no notice of when working on chimney)but we've blocked the chimney with board (lovely soot pile when we remove it).

Now I need extra dustsheets to throw over other carpets.

Or some strong plastic.

To throw over the builders :twisted::evil:

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Thanks Kate - and everyone for excellent sleuthing on the Inovia phone number crisis!!! Am off to ring for a catalogue right now...


Except I have a question first on the subject of green cleaning:

Does anyone have any good ideas for cleaning a wedding dress at home? I hate dry-cleaners because of the chemicals, and I don't really want to pay £80 to get the dress cleaned. I should explain that it's a dress that we used in a stage production and was worn twice for all of 5 minutes. The only thing is that the train has picked up a few marks on the underside as we were performing outside. It's made of polyester satin and quite ornately beaded.


Any suggestions gratefully received!

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Ornately beaded is a bit scary. I flung mine in the washing machine but it wasn't beaded at all. Washed like a dream though!


I don't know Anna, perhaps gentle handwashing? Whatever you do you'll have to be very careful of the beads. My neighbour got married in a very expensive (very very expensive :shock: ) Harrods wedding dress and it was beautifully beaded along the hem and throughout the dress. She dropped beads from the minute she put the dress on until she took it off that night! That's why my dress was totally unbeaded :lol: !

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I have to do something with mine, and I've been thinking about it the last couple of days - uncanny that this thread came up.


Mine is in a box somewhere in the house - probably with all the other stuff I can't find in the spare room (we only just moved) and I know it's filthy, so it's probably well worn in by now.....ugh - how disgusting :?

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I learned to wash mine straight away (after the service, you understand - no big pants in church, Vicar!) after Mum left hers and it went mouldy where it got dirty. I popped mine in the machine when we got back from Honeymoon - no, I didn't wear it all the time :roll: ! Now it's sat clean but miserable in my wardrobe with no idea what to do with it but without the heart to throw it out or put it in a charity bag.


I'd never fit in it now. A lot of water has gone under the bridge since then - or should I say c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e :oops: .

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I've still got mine, I know exactly where it is and I know it's absolutely filthy. My daughter found it several years ago where I'd put it away tidily (whatever for I don't know, it's not as if I'm planning on wearing it again, although I'd like to think I could, 19+ years & 2 children later there's no chance of me ever getting into it again even if I wanted to). Anyway said daughter rediscovers it at regular intervals and sweeps around the house in it, "dressing -up". I wouldn't mind but it's far too long for her so it collects dust and dirt as it trails all over the floor. No beads though :)

Sorry, no help from me Anna, all I can suggest is the gentle handwashing, but that does sound a bit daunting, perhaps just handwashing the dirty bit only in the bath with some of the Boots soap flakes because they're gentle, and avoid the beaded bits if at all possible :?

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Mine is wrapped in tissue paper in the loft waiting for the day that I turn into Miss Haversham (oh and get down to 7 stone again - I really should post the picture of my wedding day I REALLY was thin once :cry::cry: )

It's funny how we keep these things - its unlikely I will ever wear it again or have anyone else that would! If yours is the type of material that will machine wash then you could bundle it inside a duvet or something to protect the beads. And is Kate the only really super duper organised person who actually washed their wedding dress when they came back from honeymoon - I feel like a slob next to her :oops::oops: )

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I only got married last year - only took Darren 10 years to ask me - and I can't do my dress up either, and that's only 12 months down the line. Goodness knows what I'll look like in 19 years and (fingers crossed because we've been trying a long time) 2 children!


and as for being 7 stone on my wedding day........pah! I think the last time I saw 7 stone I was 10 :lol:

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