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Very ill chicken - urgent advice needed please...

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..We got 3 3 ex-bats two weeks ago and one of them was always a bit quieter and more subdued than the other two. Particularly in the last few days she has spent quite a bit of time just standing with her eyes shut, however was still eating and drinking and responded well when they had their first taste of free-ranging. I've been away this weekend but my husband told me today that she had spent a lot of time just sitting down & not moving -he didn't see her eating or drinking but couldn't spend much time outside as we had people over, needed to look after kids, take them out etc.


This evening we went out to check and realised she had not gone to bed. We've made her a bed in the kitchen near the radiator as she was quite cold. We've turned the lights off and are keeping it quiet, with a bowl of food and water within reach. She's just sitting there with her eyes shut looking very poorly. Is there anything else anyone would recommend? To be honest, we're not really inclined to start doing vet's visit at minimum fees of £80 even for pre-booked appointments particularly as last time we took our previous chuck, he told us that chickens are very unrewarding to treat as they often die anyway if they get very sick. However, if she's still like this tomorrow, I would feel very guilty at not taking her for treatment. What do others think on this? Any advice most welcome please....

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Oh dear she doesnt sound good does she...bless her.


You have done the right thing by bringing her in and keeping her warm. Try if possible to keep her hydrated by tempting her to drink tomorrow morning or making a sloppy pellet porridge/mash.


Im afraid I dont have any ex batt experience but she may have something wrong that has come from her being an ex batt :think: sometimes they dont settle into their new surroundings and go downhill/become ill.


I must admit I think its a bit naughty of your vet to say that its not "rewarding" to treat a chicken, my vet has been very good with a recent bowel operation on my oldest girl (who survived) and he said "where there's life there's a chance"...so I would hope that any vet would think the same (with any animal) :( and at least give her some kind of prognosis/treatment/pain relief :notalk:

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Thanks for your responses. We'll just have to cross our fingers that she's recovered in the morning. If not, i'm going to have to get her to the vet to get some medical advice. In fairness, I don't think our vet was being unkind when he said it being 'unrewarding' to treat sick chickens but just to prepare us that they often aren't particularly robust and can drop dead even after treatment for some illnesses. Hmmm..time will tell although I'm not that hopeful as I don't she's seemed that sparkling since we got her (which I realise was 3 weeks ago, not 2). Anyway, she's warm and comfy so we're giving her the best chance we can right now. Thanks all ...

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Came down this morning and Fatty had died. Sad but at least she had a good couple of final weeks and got to see the sky, sun and feel the wind on her face. DH is grave-digging as our daughters insist on a burial, rather than 'recycling' which we favoured.

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