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The girls arrived yesterday

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and are now "installed" in the new cube.


See this post for new cube pictures and yesterdays antics : http://club.omlet.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=40589&view=unread#unread


2 very cheeky cochins, a blue orp and 3 crazy cream legbars...


THe black cochin girl is definately head chicken and is in charge of the run. She's happily mingling with the other cochin and orp - but chases the legbars. "Feathers" squawks at the legbars who then flee into the cube. When in the cube - they all seem to get on fine.


The cochins and orp are about 7.1/2 > 8months. One cochin seemingly laid for first time yesterday - and the other two big girls have been laying a month or more. Given I was told both cochins laid yesterday - I wasn't expecting eggs this morning. On going out to see the girls - Henrietta was laying in the nest box. I went out an hour later and brough the egg in. As I did, Bloomers went in. Removed Bloomers egg at noon. Feathers was still being a right boss boots in the run and hadn't been back in the cube since coming out in the morning. We went out for a couple of hours and returned at 2.30pm to find Feathers had also laid !


Yum - egg mayonaise sandwiches for a late lunch all round :-)


On I collected them, the cochins had been living with other cochins and the orp with the legbars - so I expected a scuffle.....


Late afternoon, I decided to let the big girls out to make sure that the legbars had had plenty of food and water. I shut the cube door with the legbars inside and the big girls skipped out and round the garden. I know it's early to let them free range when they only arrived yesterday afternoon, but I'd already ascertained the big girls were very friendly this morning and was feeding them cooked rice by hand. THe cochins came on my knee !


They had a good romp in the garden and I led them back to the run an hour later with the temptation of a stale scone :whistle: Took all of 10 seconds to get them back in.

Intending letting them all out tomorrow for a couple of hours of free ranging....


Oh - OH thought chickens was a bad idea - but I think he's coming round ! :wink:


jump or we'll push !




cheeky chickens




Cream legbars getting some peace !




watching chickens !



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I'm amazed. I can't believe how addictive chickens are !!! :mrgreen:


Completely in awe already.... The cochins in particular follow me everywhere and are seriously friendly - along with the blue orpington. They're all happy to eat from your hand and be stroked even free ranging - though no chance of getting that close to a legbar....


I was worried I'd find them hard to deal with or wouldnt be able to get them to go back in the run etc - but they are so so easy and the big girls are very cuddly

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I'm amazed. I can't believe how addictive chickens are !!!


Sorry to break it to you but it doesn't wear off with time either.


The cochins in particular follow me everywhere and are seriously friendly


Arn't they funny when they do that. When I tell my friends that my chooks follow me round the garden like dogs and tap at the glass back door to get my attention, they think I'm making it up...... but I'm not.


Great pics and glad to see they are settling in well.

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I can imagine it won't


I was getting the baby dressed this morning and my oh came upstairs before going off to work to let me know he'd ben out to see the chickens and let them out to play :shock: He originally wasn't keen on the idea.... lol


He's been looking up origins of cochins on the web at lunchtime at work :lol:


Only one egg today - laid by Bloomers about lunchtime. OH can have it for breakfast tomorrow :D

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