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New girls! - but one's sneezing!

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Cube's built and the two new girls are in the run in quarantine. The black rock is doing the odd sneeze - should I be concerned? I bought them from a reputable dealer but noticed that the black rock has had the odd sneeze ever since I decanted her from the cat box! The jasmine (skyline) seems fine.

Otherwise all is going well - except they have't a clue about the superglug.


My eglu girls have been rather loud all afternoon - they're freeranging around, but are now dustbowling in the bushes as their eglu's being valeted. They've had treats around the cube and done plenty of long stares.

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Cube's built and the two new girls are in the run in quarantine. The black rock is doing the odd sneeze - should I be concerned?
No need to worry yet. This is quite normal, the chooks get a bit stressed with all the moving around, and this is a symptom. Keep an eye (and ear!) out, but it should stop after a couple of days, once everyone settles into their new routines.



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When I bought my first lot of chickens one started sneezing within days and despite using citricidal it never cleared up. She became snotty and just looked rather pathetic so after a month or so I had to take her to the vets for antibiotics. Two days later she was fine :D


The same thing happened with my next arrival of chickens, one was sneezing soon after arriving. This time I tried apple cider vinegar and she's gone from strength to strength. I've found it much more effective than citricidal.

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