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We have an egg!!!

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One of our girls has laid her first egg today :clap: Although it wasn't in the nest box where we would have liked it, it was nicely placed on the lawn. The only question now, is what shall I do with it. Husband wants it fried but I'd rather chuck it in a cake :dance:

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Looks like husband has won. It will be getting fried in the morning. He can have the yolk and I can have the white. I know you'll all be thinking WHY :? The answer is, I can't stand the yolk :vom: only have it if it's whisked up (omlet or cake)



(green eglu)

GNR - Gold Star Ranger - Tikka

PP - Black Star - Lola

(white chicken) - Sussex Star - Hetty (1st !eggbrown! 18-03-09)

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