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First eggs broken...

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My GNR has started laying but the shell is so soft we can not get to them before they break. I suspected an egg had been laid yesterday as I found some tiny pieces of shell when cleaning. However today when cleaning the eglu I had closed the door to the run and found my GNR dive bombing the door to get in. When finished cleaning I opened the door and she ran in. After about 10 minutes I went back out to see if she had indeed laid, and there was a broken egg in the nesting box and she was outside eating some of the shell. Is this normal for first timers and will she stop this if and when the shells harded up?



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We are having exactly the same problem our new Silkie layed her first egg on Saturday but when we got to the nest it had been broken, such a shame.

I thought she was going to lay again today as she kept sitting on the nest. I checked her x3 today and then checked before went to do the school run and there was nothing, came back from school 3/4 hr later to find a broken egg ?????? :(

Not sure if they are soft or if they are being broken by the other chickens who are not laying yet.

We are all finding it very upsetting just not sure what to do for the best !eggcream!

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