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What do you do with unwanted bag of pellets?

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Hello all,


Right then my rowdy bunch have decided its mash all the way, and i am left with a huge bag of pellets. Feel wasteful just throwing them. Would ducks eat them and other wildfowl?


Either that or anyone who lives nearish is welcome to it for free,


Thanks in advance for your help

Naomii the novice


its raining here and the ladies are huddled together under the wormery!

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Use it to make porridge as bigmommasally says, or put it in the blender and turn it into mash. Seems a shame to just waste it.


My lot were given mash initially as that was what they were used to in the battery. I mixed pellets in with it, aiming to get them gradually used to pellets, and they immediately chucked all the mash out to get to the new foodstuff - monsters! :lol:

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I will give that another try. I had never though of putting it through the food processor :D


Their appetite has geared up over the last two days so maybe they will just decide to try it - you never know! :think:


Well thanks again, nearly school pick up time which means treat time as my eldest always gives them a little scattering of corn when she comes in from school



eternally grateful but not quite as much as the chickens are!

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You may find they could change their minds again too! My little darlings had always turned their beaks up at mash (Always been on offer since they were rescued - I always put a scoop of mash in their pellets anyway just incase). Well, usually it's the mash left in the bottom and all the pellets eaten.


Until last week.


Now pellets are scooped out carelessly and mash is the latest 'must have' - i mix bokashi with the mash too though.


As advised I'd use the pellets in porridge or bung it in the food processor so it's not wasted. Or put a small scoop in with the mash everyday 'just in case'


Little minxes like to keep us on out toes!!

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