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RED Hair!!

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the hairdresser has toned my naturally red locks down at little now I'm going grey, so I now have goldy blond hair with copper highlights (that what happens when you dye white/red hair), I like it. OH says I'd still burn in front of a light bulb, so I try to stay out of the sun or wear high factor cream. I read somewhere that people with natural red hair will become extinct eventually because of global migration and the mixing of genes, how sad :oops:

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Zandras was hot pink actually, as mine has been in the past 8)

Good on her!

Personally I don't think that it has to be a natural colour to look amazing- my opinion only :)


I would love a bit of pink or blue in mine again :lol:


Oh? Zandra??? On first name terms. Friend of yours is she?


I do know her,yes 8)


Oh, i'm bowled over in awe! We are not worthy!

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One of our friends is a long standing character in 'Coronation Street' A mate of mine worked for Madonna. Honestly. Another friend is a hairdresser to various celebrities. That's life. We don't need them to feel important, clever, intelligent, sassy, classy.... add your own..... etc x

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