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I have used shredded white paper for over a year and have never noticed them eating it. Only problem is they sleep in the nest box if it's really cold so need a quick change if possible before egg laying. You can ease them out when locking up at night but I haven't the heart to disturb them when they look so snug.

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When I first got the Batties I was advised by BHWT to fill the Eglu with straw to keep them snug, so I used some of the rest of the bale to line the other nest boxes....most of it was dragged out of the nest box into the run though! Haven't had this problem with shredded paper, yes it sticks to the egg sometimes, but is usually easy enough to peel off when collected. Next time I have ex batts, I think I'll use shredded newspaper - much softer/kinder to their bare bellies!!


I also have nest box sleepers, so whip the dirty stuff out when I let them out in the morning so they have lovely clean paper to lay in. I don't think I've ever had a paper muncher though :think: .


Sha x

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i have used shredded paper in the nest box since we got the chickens about 4 weeks ago. the first day or so they showed some interest in it, pulling it ont all over the run and eating it. but now they just take no notice of it at all.

even when i caught my son trying to feed it to them through the run sides! :roll:


i change it every morning as Gretchin sleeps in the nesting box. i just scoop it out and plonk another handfull in. quick as that and that means i am recycling the shredded paper! :wink:

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We use newspaper & barley straw. I only use the paper in the cube to cover the slot over. The naughty girls were pulling the straw out from underneath, through the slot. :roll:

Most of them chuck the nesting material out, for some reason they like to lay on plastic!

In the wooden house, we use large lin bins as nest boxes. Good as we can wash them easily.

Chickens are just born with naughtiness in them. :lol:



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