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Bolton are definitly "Ooops, word censored!"nals bogey team!


Come on Chelsea? I don't think so! But then i won't be supporting Manure either. I reckon a one-one draw, lots of sendings off (hence suspensions) and a massive pitch brawl for which both teams are deducted 18 points should do it! :D:D:D


BTW Martin. most of the games we lose, if we got points for playing great football, we would win! :evil:

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KD should probably have been sent off - but Eboue (who crippled campo last year) should be ashamed of himself.


KD pushed him - true enough - but eboue then threw himself backwards with a stunt worthy of hollywood's finest stuntmen - proceeding to roll around and clutch his head as i he'd been elbowed or shot (or both)... disgraceful..


you'd never see our KD doing that - Juffy, probably!! - but never KD


also - I think "Ooops, word censored!"nal picked up more yellow cards than we did - so which is the rough, tough, bruising side??


anyway - gloating over - you'll get your revenge at the emirates stadium...


Phil (a very happy bunny!)

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Yeah i hate Spurs as well! Even though generally (last season excepted!) they're not much of a threat to us these days! I'm still laughing over the lasagne incident on the last day of the 05/06 season! :D:D:D:D Go Villa! We have them (spurs) next saturday!


Next game i'm going to is "Ooops, word censored!"nal - Portsmouth on the 16th December. First premiership saturday 3pm KO that i have been able to get tickets to for ages! :D


I don't think Eboue made to much of it Phil, he could easily have gone down in the penalty box and claimed a penalty in the first half but he got up again and carried on. He's not a diver... Now Reyes was a different story... And yes we got in there, a few yellows, but you can't moan at us playing you at your own (dirty) game can you?! Bet we end up getting you away first round of the f.a cup knowing our luck - i'd rather play chelsea or man. u quite frankly! (theres a back handed compliment there somewhere Phil!)


So about this chelsea - man. u punch up and docking of points... How can i make sure that kicks off... :? *scratches head thinking....

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A well deserved point for Chelsea today. :D


Bit more pressure in the second half and we could have nicked all 3 points.


Bolton away - im not confident, difficult team away.


Then "Ooops, word censored!"nal... deffo 3 points there :wink::lol:


spent all afternoon shouting and swearing at the tv, hubby gone to bed now for some peace and quiet :lol:

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We shall see Chelsea, we shall see! Hope Ashley Cole gets slated by the "Ooops, word censored!"nal fans though, what a judas! I can hardly bring myself to say this, normally hating Man. U more then Chelsea but if we don't win title (and being realistic its very unlikely) i almost want Man. U to win it over Chelsea just so Cole doesn't win anything! :D Reckon we got the better part of that deal though, Cole never scores goals and Gallas has a couple already plus we have Clichy playing now and he is fab! :) Hope Bolton beat Chelsea and hope Villa beat Bolton!


Glad i'm not the only one who shouts at T.V when the footballs on, whenever "Ooops, word censored!"nal score the dog always starts barking and the cats charge out the room i yell so loud! :lol:

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my dog cowers in the corner. my poor neighbours.

Hubby and I both massive CFC fans and he sits quiet as a mouse and im the one shouting tactics and obscenities at the tv :lol:


My boss is an "Ooops, word censored!"nal fan. we have big football debates at work on a monday morning.

I agree about Gallas, I myself call Ashley "Cashley"!! :lol:

he is starting to play a bit better now though.


Shame you're not in the title race, you are definetly a better technical side to man'ure....your players deserve better :D

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I had to write out my favourite premiership dream team, and I put Ashely Cole- "Ooops, word censored!"nal. He used to be one of my favourite players, I think he's a **** though now! :evil:


Gallas was a good swap, I also love Baptista he was in my dream team too!



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So go on then Martin who is the rest of your dream team? Perhaps we should run an omlet fantasy football league?! Have to confess my team would be made up of all "Ooops, word censored!"nal players though! :oops:


You're right Chelsea, technically we play the best football in the league by far but that doesn't always mean you can win all the time. Chelseea are like how "Ooops, word censored!"nal used to be under George Graham, rubbish, boring football but lots of s"Ooops, word censored!"py 1-0 wins!!! (runs for cover!) Its very frustrating when "Ooops, word censored!"nal just overpass the ball and don't shoot.


Loved Cashley Hole (as he is affectionatly known round "Ooops, word censored!"nals way) getting booked today, shame he didn't get sent off. Still think Chelsea will win the title over Man.U though. "Ooops, word censored!"nal for the champions league and domestic cup double! Seriously! i do believe we could do it!

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I think after managing to get over the Barcelona hurdle, I think this could be chelsea's year for the CL. I would however, take league over CL everytime.

I think Chelsea and "Ooops, word censored!"nal are still very similar in ways...me and my gooner boss agree that both teams have to do about 50 passes to get to the box, (which we did a lot of today) its very frustrating to watch. Man'ure did a lot of long balls today. Mourinho is all about possesion and calming the game down....I'd rather go gung-ho and hammer 'em.


Still love the bloke though, after years of going to Stamford bridge on a wet saturday and watching us win nothing, and now 2 prem titles back to back - the man is already a legend in our eyes :dance:

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I can understand why you like him as he's won you 2 titles but he doesn't half appear a stuck up, slimy g*t to everyone else! Well, me anyway!


he's a fan's manager...he says two fingers to the press and media and always says exactly what I think after a game. He isnt afraid to speak his mind, not everyone likes it...he appears arrogant - he probably is, but I think he is very clever. :)

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Kirkland - Wigan



Cole (Both "Ooops, word censored!"nal)


Agger (Both Liverpool)


Baptista ("Ooops, word censored!"nal)

Gerrard (Liverpool)

Barry (Villa)



Angel (Villa)

Crouch (Villa and Liverpool)



That's not the best team ever but a team of players I like.

Here are the league winners.


Given (Newcastle)


Eboue ("Ooops, word censored!"nal)

Gallas ("Ooops, word censored!"nal)

Terry (Chelsea)

Evra (Un***d)


Gerrard (Liverpool)

Lennon (Tottenham)

Agbonlahor (Villa)

Baptista ("Ooops, word censored!"nal)


Drogba (Chelsea)

Henry ("Ooops, word censored!"nal)


That team would beat anyone. :lol:

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Bit like Wenger then! Except for the shed loads of cash...


Gosh Annie we'd win everything going if Wenger and "Ooops, word censored!"nal had Chelseas money (not our omlet Chelsea you understand! :wink: ) Think how well he's done with the little he has... Imagine Annie... (goes off into day dream of "Ooops, word censored!"nal winning everything going...) Still at least we don't buy titles eh?!

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