Twickenham chickens Posted July 29, 2005 Share Posted July 29, 2005 (edited) Hi Sarah, I'd just like to know where you brought your mesh, is it the plastic coated metal stuff that is stiff but flexible. If so i'd like to use something similar on my new chooks roof. Just so people know what i'm on about Thanks in advanced Sarah. Edited July 29, 2005 by Guest Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SarahJo Posted July 29, 2005 Share Posted July 29, 2005 WOW ... thanks for asking . It is really sturdy stuff, and in some parts, whare the conifers permit "flapping" and escaping, we did use it as a "roof". The wire is coated, and flexible .. and so far no visible wear or tear/rusting etc. Graham .. (OH) has informed me, he got it from a farm supply shop ... cost about £30 a roll .... of which he used about 1/2 for the whole run, and roof. He just asked if you were local ... . When we introduced "Mrs Snowy" I used the remainder of the roll, as a divider .... extending the roll to meet the fence, and then the main roll as a door to move in and out as required. . Would recommend it if you can get it .... though farm supplies are your best bet, or a farmers market. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twickenham chickens Posted July 29, 2005 Author Share Posted July 29, 2005 Thanks sarah, Hoped you weren't going to say a farm supplier. I'm in Twickenahm, West London so i'll have to search around for it and maybe take a drive into 'farm supplier' areas. They don't tend to sell that sort of mesh in diy stores, only the traditional wire mesh and the plastic mesh on a roll. Thanks for the reply. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SarahJo Posted July 29, 2005 Share Posted July 29, 2005 (edited) Only thing I can suggest .. is how close to Baldock, Herts, are you .. we are coming down in August (19th) ... may also visit peeps in St Albans, so could do a drop off of our remainding 1/2 roll. Edited July 29, 2005 by Guest Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twickenham chickens Posted July 29, 2005 Author Share Posted July 29, 2005 Only thing I can suggest .. is how close to Baldock, Herts, are you .. we are coming down in August (19th) ... may also visit peeps in St Albans, so could do a drop off of our remianding 1/2 roll. Thanks so much for the offer sarah, but we're still quite a way from st albans and to be honist i wouldn't feel at all right at accepting the i'd end up paying your for it etc. I'll have a look around the net and diy stores and maybe take a drive towards some farm suppliers.. Really kind offer sarah, thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SarahJo Posted July 29, 2005 Share Posted July 29, 2005 Thats Ok .... it was just a thought, as we were coming South soon . Happy fence/roof hunting .. at least you know what you are looking for now, and a rough cost. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheilaz Posted July 29, 2005 Share Posted July 29, 2005 We are working frantically to finish chickenopolis within a week, and the roof is our stumbling block ( )so to speak. What a timely posting, we have decided that netting would not work well in our setting so we're looking for something similar. So far, we've spent a fortune at fencing suppliers, so may get roof there too, as we are in said town, also limited in sensible farm supplies. Would grab the roll Sarah, but you should save it for when it comes in useful! Also, we must finish by next w/e, and will need loads! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kalikoo Posted July 29, 2005 Share Posted July 29, 2005 Hi Sarahjo, Where about in Macclesfield? We live in Runcorn in Cheshire not too far away would be interested as the girls are having a field day free ranging in the garden and would like to restirct them if possible. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crooked Chicken Posted July 29, 2005 Share Posted July 29, 2005 Timely indeed. We're also decided on how to build the girls larger enclosure. And I had printed off some of the photos from the gallery. I was going to ask you SarahJo exactly the same question. So now I know. I will try and get the same plastic coated wire - hopefully from Countrywide Stores, as it's the only farm shop I know. 2 questions though. How high should the fencing be? and do most people put a roof/netting on the top - my plan was just to leave it open?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twickenham chickens Posted July 29, 2005 Author Share Posted July 29, 2005 Timely indeed. We're also decided on how to build the girls larger enclosure. And I had printed off some of the photos from the gallery. I was going to ask you SarahJo exactly the same question. So now I know. I will try and get the same plastic coated wire - hopefully from Countrywide Stores, as it's the only farm shop I know. 2 questions though. How high should the fencing be? and do most people put a roof/netting on the top - my plan was just to leave it open?? i'm building ours 3 ft high, but i'd say anywhere between 3ft and 6ft. Also i would def add a roof. I thought about netting and then decided against it incase a fox saw the chooks and not the netting and dived straight in! We plan to leave our chooks in te big run throughout the day, when we're at work or inside the house. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheilaz Posted July 30, 2005 Share Posted July 30, 2005 We're going for Fort Knox! LSH has thrown himself (pushed, I think) so the materials are all the strongest he can get. This must be all my birthaday & Christmas presents forever combined, we've never done a project like this before. The fixing however is in true Websiebodge style, involving much swearing & posts that don't stay straight, etc. The roof is going to be the hardest as netting won't be enough in our setting. I can just see cats launhing themselves off an overhanging bough, let alone foxes, and with other plants pushing from below, it would be a real weakness. He's gone to the chain link fencing suppliers just words, "I may be some time...." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SarahJo Posted July 30, 2005 Share Posted July 30, 2005 Blimey .. one at a time . Right ....Kalikoo ... got the fencing from Chelford Farm supplies, which is between Knutsford and Macclesfiled. I myself am up the hill from Macc leisure centre .. Prestbury end. Crooked Chicken ... our run is the same height as the width of the wire .. so 3ft. We only put a roof where there are "gaps" in the conifers, to stop Ginger from flapping out, as she used to. At the back of the run, there is a 4ft fence, with wire incorporated into a hawthorn hedge (total height our side of 5/6ft) .. but the back neighbours garden is a 3ft drop down, so any fox coming in over the back has a 9ft climb through dense hawthorn, and has to make it past a dog who sleeps in a kennel 1st. . Its quite good as I can walk behind the conifers and sort out the bark etc, from the back of the run, and the Eglu is on paving behind the garage, so they have a pretty good set up .. Graham made the gate from scratch too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SarahJo Posted July 30, 2005 Share Posted July 30, 2005 Just been inot the Allotments gallery .. page 3 SarahJo's castle grounds pic7 shows the run quite well ... the roofed bit between the 3 conifers on the left. The right hand side did not need this as the trees canopy was wide enough to stop Ginger flying up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ribbons021185 Posted July 31, 2005 Share Posted July 31, 2005 Hello Twickenham chickens! We got our mesh from B&Q. Its identical to SarahJo's. Couldnt tell you how much it was because i have an appaling memory but i hope that helps and is accessible to you! Claire x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buffie Posted August 1, 2005 Share Posted August 1, 2005 Hi everyone, It's obviously the time of year to consider run making. The Pug now agrees a nice run, made fantastically by him is a great idea (well good is more like it). Will let him plan project and then assisit in any way I can perhaps nice dinner and a good wine!! I do like getting mucky though, def Barbara!! Bx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twickenham chickens Posted August 1, 2005 Author Share Posted August 1, 2005 Hello Twickenham chickens! We got our mesh from B&Q. Its identical to SarahJo's. Couldnt tell you how much it was because i have an appaling memory but i hope that helps and is accessible to you! Claire x Thanks for that Claire. I was going to use mesh for the sides but no matter how tight you attach it, it always seems to sag in the middle. I'm probably going to use the same mesh as sarah-jo has, I've seen it in homebase, its a 30m roll for £42! but i'll check B&Q before buying. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...