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The Dogmother

Carrot cake

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Here one I use sometimes, sounds oily but it comes out buttery and moist and we really like it.


Carrot cake

10oz castor sugar

8floz sunflower oil

3 eggs :D

6oz flour

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground cloves

1/2 tsp salt

8oz grated carrots

4oz chopped walnuts or pecans


For the frosting

3oz cream cheese

1 1/2oz butter

3tbsp icing sugar


set oven to 350F, 175C, gas mark 4

Put sugar in a bowl and stir in the oilbreak in the eggs one at a time and beat until each egg is well amalgamated. In another bowl sift together the dry ingredients. Add these a spoon at a time to the first mixture. Finally stir in the carrots and nuts.

Put the mixture in a lined tin and bake for 70-80 minutes.


For the frosting

Beat the cream chees till soft cut the butter into small piece and mash it into the cheese, when well blended stir in the sugar. Once cake is cold spoon frosting over the cake.

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Martin do you want to do a house swap and I'll send my boys to live at your jouse for a few weeks, months, years :wink:




(Honestly I do love my boys very much they are just all at a very prickly stage at the mo. Bad enough when they do it one a once but three together is driving me nuts)

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