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Favourite carol

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I like 'Like a candle flame' and we usually use it somewhere between Christmas and Candlemas.


But I like better Kendrick's 'What kind of greatness' - absolutely fantastic words.


Does anyone know 'In a world where people walk in darkness'. The chorus goes:

For the light is stronger than the darkness and the day will overcome the night.

Though the shadows linger all around us, let us turn our faces to the light.

It's just like a Music Hall song!


I never liked the stuff that kendrick started with - triumphalist nonsense - but that was 15/20 years ago (I'm getting old!!)


the stuff he writes now shows much more maturity (the wisdom of years?) - and you'd have to look very hard to find better words than his "Beauty for Brokenness" hymn.


as for favourite carols - I tend to favour carols with an edge - carols that remember the "dark side" of the christmas story - the fact that Herod's soldiers slaughtered so many children, for instance


What Child is This - set to Greensleeves is probably one of my favourites


I also love the little- known (outside Wales!) carol:


O deued pob Cristion

i Fethlem yr awrhon...


(The poor and the humble, and all those who stumble) We have a couple of welsh-language hymns in our book...


carols that congregations don't normally sing - but are left for choirs..


I'd have to go with Berlioz's Shepherd's Farewell this year - though my favourite carol changes every year


last year it was "Three kings from persian lands afar" by Cornelius... fantastic stuff!!



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'Like a candle flame' is lovely. Haven't heard of the other one Ginette? Is it on rumours of angels cd???


I don't know! Here are the words:


What kind of greatness can this be, that chose to be made small,

Exchanging untold majesty for a world so pitiful?

That God should come as one of us I’ll never understand –

The more I hear the story told, the more amazed I am.

Oh, what else can I do but kneel and worship You,

And come just as I am, my whole life an offering?


The One in whom we live and move in swaddling clothes lies bound.

The voice that cried “Let there be light!”, asleep without a sound.

The One who strode amongst the stars and called each one by name,

Lies helpless in a mother’s arms and must learn to walk again.

Oh, what else can I do but kneel and worship You,

And come just as I am, my whole life an offering?


What greater love could He have shown to shamed humanity?

Yet human pride hates to believe in such deep humility.

But nations now may see His grace and know that He is near,

When His meek heart, His words, His works are incarnate in us here.

Oh, what else can I do but kneel and worship You,

And come just as I am, my whole life an offering?

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