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Phil's CD-a-month club

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Phil - thank you so much! The CD is EXCELLENT!


OH is wall-papering today :roll: the post has just arrived and now we are both :D listening to this gorgeous music. The music of course is always gorgeous, but the performances don't always do them justice. These do!


The Lotti was almost as good as singing it. I have other recordings but they make it sound quite boring - an amazing achievement.


The Allegri is suitably monastic and the soprano (high Cs) has a real boyish quality, so I don't mind at all her being female.


I am so looking forward to 'Faire is the Heaven' (I just had to post straight away! :oops: ) I am sure it will be wonderful. Then I will listen to the rest of the CD! I like 'ex ore innocentium' but I have never performed it or heard a recording. It's on the RSCM Gold Award syllabus.


Postscript: 'Faire is the Heaven' has brought tears to my eyes. It is fantastic. I have never heard it performed so beautifully or dramatically before. It is so clear that you can every voice. FAB, FAB, FAB. I am going to recommend it to my music friends. :D

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OK, thanks Phil off to order this...

Actually I have had a brilliant CD find come to fruition this week, and I am so pleased with myself, I can't stop grinning.


OH used to listen to the late and great John Peel every night, tape his programmes, play them the following day again and then burn the tracks he liked to mini disk. There was one song JP played, by the Verefka voice choir, entitled "a strip of willow wood". It was absolutely haunting, and we both loved it. It was on a crackly old record and the quality was awful. We lost it many years ago.

Anyway, for over 10 years I have been trying to find it, and last month I did! On a Ukranian website in Canada :D !

We now have it! Its just wonderful. Brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it.....

Incidentally, in true John Peel style, he named the track wrongly: It is actually just called "Lullaby", but I am so glad he did, as we would never have found it!


Also got another great find... Ian Dury "Apples". Unavailable in the UK: Got it from Austria! Fab!...


Sorry, possibly not quite so uplifting as your CD recommendation Phil!


And Cjelsea, I love sing star as well.... MY fave to sing along to: Atomic by Blondie 8)

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Gosh you lot are so highbrow in your music tastes, i feel quite ashamed... :oops:


I like Abba, The pet shop boys, the corrs, shania twain, REM, Belinda Carlisle, Wham, the scissor sisters etc etc and if its christian music i can't be doing with most hymns and choral stuff :lol: though some hymns are good... Give me Delerious, Phatfish, Hillsong, matt redman anyday...


I hate classical and opera music but each to their own...


I guess its an age thing!?!!! Maybe when i'm old like you guys my tastes will be more refined???!!! :lol::lol::?:lol: Runs for cover...


Sorry to hi-jack your thread but letting all that out was quite catharic(sp?)

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You are a naughty girl!

Moi??!!! :angel::angel::angel:


I'm just keeping you all on your toes mentally. Its very good of me really... They do say the brain starts to go after a certain age... You can buy those things to do to keep it active can't you? Brain exercise stuff. Think of me as keeping you all young Annie... No, no don't thankme :talk2hand: I'll take payment later!



Anyway, I thought you had to be over 60 to like Shania Twain..... My PARENTS like her!


I'm obviously old for my years then Annie :? Just still not quite as old in my music tastes as the rest of you?! :wink:

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Do you really want me to answer that?! :lol:


I wouldn't want to upset you all by guessing :wink: but i would guess i am one of the younger users (martin and ubereglu obviously younger still...) I just like teasing people about their age whilst i still can...


After all i AM nearer 30 then 20 myself now :cry: which is pretty depressing and old...

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too late - you've already answered


I thought i was quite diplomatic answering that lesley?! :wink::lol:



...and doesn't your list start with ABBA You practically need a Zimmer frame for that.......


My dads influence - one of my earliest memories is standing on my parents sofa playing air guitar to an abba song in the early 80's...

It has nostalgic value! I defend that chioice! PLUS i love all their songs!! :lol: Sooo many great classics. Best band of all time!

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Tut! The youth of today! No respect for us oldies, is there :wink: !


Phil, I've ordered the Tenebrae CD now after yours and Ginette's reviews! I love the version I have of the Allegri Miserere but the other pieces on this CD are lovely. I'll let you know if it's a better version than the one I have when it arrives.

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Phil. are you on commission with Tenebrae? I think that's 3 you've sold! :D I hope Annie and Kate love it as much as I do.


Helen, it is NOT an age thing and I don't think it's particularly high-brow. But I do think Classical music is something most people have to be introduced to. I have sung in church choirs since the age of 7, I went on to take a music degree and have taught music ever since. That doesn't make me a prude and doesn't mean I can't appreciate good music of any style. My children also love classical music, probably because it has always been part of their lives, but that doesn't stop them enjoying bands and artists of today just as much. Perhaps we just have a broader experience of music than you do?


We have just watched Queen's top ten hits on the TV and thoroughly enjoyed every one. They are classics. So are Abba (and I remember the originals) and Elton John.


As for church music, I prefer Tim Hughes to Matt Redman on the whole, but I also love John Tavener and John Rutter, both of whom are just as contemporary. I also love the old hymns and anthems and marvel at the similarities being expressed in both the old and the new. That connects me to the whole of Christendom, the fact that we are singing hymns which thousands of Christians before us have sung too and the fact that we are still believing the same things about our God.


O come all ye faithful and Hark! the herald angels sing are both 18th century carols. Their age doesn't mean that we should stop singing them. But modern carols and songs can contribute just as much.


It is my entire church music philosophy that nothing should be dismissed or disregarded purely because of its age (whether old or new). There are people in both camps who object to anything from the other, but I work hard to mix and match and use whatever is appropriate to the worship.


Sorry, I'm not having a go at you! You just touched on two subjects that really get me going!

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Phil. are you on commission with Tenebrae? I think that's 3 you've sold! :D I hope Annie and Kate love it as much as I do.



I wish I was! I have taken recommendations from folk on this list - it seems to be full of canny consumers!


I now have (or rather my children have) a BiUbe (the tube version of the BiOrb) - after reading Claret's glowing recommendations - and she was right!!


I also have the non-chemical cleaning cloths after someone else's recommendation (I'm sorry I can't remember who that was...) - and they are really good...


I have crocs - (orange ones) - not directly from this list but from my missus and her crafting forums.. :roll:


I watched the whole series of Torchwood - just because it got Dan so steamed up!! :wink:


I have resisted the purple eglu - green is quite clearly the best colour..


so - I kind of feel the pressure now! What if you recommend something - someone buys it - and they hate it?? :shock:


I am quite reassured that you (Ginette) liked it - because (unlike me) you actually know what you're talking about!!


So I really hope Kate and Annie like it - else I'll feel I've let them, down...


anyway - if it works out I have a corking CD to recommend for February - something totally different... I played it to my 10yr old daughter in the car yesterday - and she also thinks it's fab...



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I've split the Wedding/Church chat into its own topic................


Snowy was trying to get back on topic with the following........


Back on topic .... :wink:

Thanks for the recommendation Phil, I'll keep an eye out for that music.

Can't wait to hear what's for next month! :D

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So I really hope Kate and Annie like it - else I'll feel I've let them, down...


I don't think there's much chance of me not liking the CD, Phil. I know most of the tracks already and it's always nice to have different versions of them as each brings something different. I'm looking forward to it arriving in the next day or two. I'll let you know how it compares to my other copy of the Miserere.

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Phil, the CD is wonderful :D !! Thank you for the recommendation!! The Miserere is as lovely as the other recording I have as is Taverner's Song For Athene.


there's a relief!! I'm glad about that...





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Kate, I too am really thrilled you like it! :D:D:D I do think it is a particularly special CD. Even my children keep asking to have it on!


Lesley, you wouldn't regret purchasing it!


I'm really, really pleased. It's strange sharing something so special when we are all so far apart! :D But nice :D:D:D

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