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Phil's CD-a-month club

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actually - it will probably only last one month!


Anyway - over Christmas we saw a recording of Messiah at the Barbican on BBC4


as we watched it became apparent to me and the missus that the chorus was quite simply the best chorus we had ever seen - they were totally together, sang all the phrasing effortlessly and with great control, and you could hear all the words!! In short - they were awesome..


so we went to find out who they are - and they are called "Tenebrae" and are a professional chamber choir, founded and directed by Nigel Short - so no surprises about them being good.


anyway - the missus went out and ordered me a CD by them and Nigel Short - called Allegri Miserere.



The blurb says it is a "journey through music of longing and entreaty" - in my words, it's a collection of the most fantastic beautiful miserable songs ever written - and I LOVE beautiful miserable music..


It has, for instance - three of my favourite beautiful miserable choral works:


Miserere by Allegri - awesomely haunting and fantastic

Song for Athene by Tavener - sublimely miserable and pensive

8-part crucifixus by Antonio Lotti - gorgeously sublime harmony in 8 parts - wow!



here's my recommendation:


turn the lights low - candles optional - large glass/bottle of red wine - banish everyone else from the house - put CD on loud - sit/lie back and ENJOY!!


I guarantee it will strip away all your stress and anxiety - it will heal your soul..





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I've got Allegri's Miserere already Phil but sung by some others. Gorgeous piece of music - great to drive to!! Lauridsen's Lux Aeterna is another gorgeous CD - they sang the O Magnum Mysterium from it at Peterborough Cathedral on Christmas Eve.


I think I'm going to like this thread! Keep 'em coming, Phil :D .

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I've got Allegri's Miserere already Phil but sung by some others. Gorgeous piece of music - great to drive to!!


Indeed it is.. those prone to stress in the car (cough!)Dan(cough!) could do worse than to buy this CD and keep it just for the car - it makes the whole world seem more mellow..


if I had a tiny gripe it would be that top bit of Allegri's Miserere sounds best sung by boy trebles (the Tenebrae choir has ladies!!) - but that's only a small gripe!!


for anyone who doesn't know the story of Allegri's Miserere... (it's quite interesting!)


the story goes (some dispute the details!!) that is was never originally written down but passed from performer to performer when (in the 1700s) it was performed (only) in the Sistine chapel as people visited during Holy Week. Legend has it that Mozart went to visit, and then went away and wrote it all down - harmonies and all - from his memory of hearing it only once...


but that glorious top C really is something!! (best not to sing along at that point!!) (edit: unless you're Ginette!!)



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Lotti's Crucifixus :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D8)

One of the most physically thrilling pieces of music to sing! I just love it! Howard Goodall mentioned it on his series 'How music works'. He used it as an example of music with 23 (I think) suspensions against one note. It is these that give it such a buzz.


I have several recordings of the Allegri, some better than others. Some people in the choir (mainly my daughters) are pushing me to do it again on Ash Wednesday. I have been lucky enough to sing the top solo part several times, including once at a wedding and in Paris! Both of those were in a gallery too. :D


I expect Phil knows, but other might not - we wouldn't have this beautiful piece of music if it wasn't for Mozart. It was only performed in the Sistine chapel and never written down. It was forbidden to write it down or to take it in any way out of the chapel. Mozart apparently heard it once only and wrote it down! Partly I feel guilty singing it because we were never meant to!

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Oooooooooooooooh! I've just looked at the CD Phil. That is excellent and has some gorgeous stuff. i'm going to get it too!


Harris' 'Faire is the heaven' is probably my favourite anthem of all time. The music is appropriately heavenly and the poem is just wonderful.


Faire is the heaven where happy souls have place

In full enjoyment of felicitie;

Whence they doe still behold the glorious face

Of the Divine, Eternall Majestie;


Yet farre more faire be those bright Cherubims

Which all with golden wings are overdight

And those eternall burning Seraphins

Which from their faces dart out fiery light;


Yet fairer than they both, and much more bright,

Be the Angels and Archangels

Which attend on God’s own person without rest or end.


These then in faire each other farre exceeding

As to the highest they approach more neare,

Yet is that highest farre beyond all telling,

Fairer than all the rest which there appeare

Though all their beauties joined together were;


How then can mortal tongue hope to expresse

The image of such endlesse perfectnesse ?


Edmund Spenser

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Lotti's Crucifixus :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D8)

One of the most physically thrilling pieces of music to sing! I just love it! Howard Goodall mentioned it on his series 'How music works'. He used it as an example of music with 23 (I think) suspensions against one note. It is these that give it such a buzz.


Agree absolutely - absolutely thrilling!! My problem is that I want to sing all of the parts at once!!


I expect Phil knows, but other might not - we wouldn't have this beautiful piece of music if it wasn't for Mozart.


(see above!) I think our posts crossed!! :wink:



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I expect Phil knows, but other might not - we wouldn't have this beautiful piece of music if it wasn't for Mozart.


(see above!) I think our posts crossed!! :wink:




Well, at least that gives it a ring of truth! :wink:


I've ordered the CD now! And a Tallis one, so that I get free delivery. I sang Salvator mundi on Saturday and it was really nice. Plus daughters keep going on about 'spem in alium', so they'll be pleased to hear that. Personally I find it really boring and it was probably the most terrifying thing I have ever sung!

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but that glorious top C really is something!! (best not to sing along at that point!!) (edit: unless you're Ginette!!)



or Lesley's sister :D


or... (while we're at it) my missus!!



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I really can't contribute much the conversation about Allegri's Miserere, but it sounds superb. I could do with some chill out music and miserable melody's are right up my street.


Not quite as holy - Tom Waits and Nick Cave sing the miserable blues ever so well.


Closing Time by Tom Waits is a beautiful album full of heart warming, sweet melodies that will have you remembering your first love's and your first heart break's and it's as if the songs were written just for you.


Tom's words and music relationship have been likened Goethe and Schubert.


I'll gladly do a swappsie CD.


It's my recommended CD every month. :D

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I really can't contribute much the conversation about Allegri's Miserere, but it sounds superb. I could do with some chill out music and miserable melody's are right up my street.


Not quite as holy - Tom Waits and Nick Cave sing the miserable blues ever so well.


Closing Time by Tom Waits is a beautiful album full of heart warming, sweet melodies that will have you remembering your first love's and your first heart break's and it's as if the songs were written just for you.


Tom's words and music relationship have been likened Goethe and Schubert.


I'll gladly do a swappsie CD.


It's my recommended CD every month. :D


That sounds right up my street too, Gina. I like moody, angsty music. :?8)

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Oooh, a choir - count me in ! :dance:


I won all our "singstar" karaoke competitions with the family over christmas - so I think that makes me very qualified :wink::lol::lol:


let me guess....




And IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII eeee IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII will always loooove yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuu oooo ooooo oooo will aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllways looooooove yooooooooooooooouuuuuu...





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Actually, it wasnt "blue is the colour" ...hee hee :lol:


It was anything and everything from Whitney to Nirvana, we all put our names into a hat and the songs into a hat. 2 microphones and then you pick out names and songs and do a "song battle". great fun. We went through all the songs on 2 playstation games :shock:


so we were rather ho"Ooops, word censored!" the next day !! :?:lol:

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