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Ever Wondered About Food?

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There has been a program on the TV tonight about The Potato. Historians, chefs, scientists and other experts have been discussing the social and economic significance of potatoes.


Next week is the turn of the CHICKEN!



Ever Wondered About Food?




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I'm sure I saw an episode of Ever Wondered at the beginning of this year where they featured an eglu - I can't remember if it was a bout the chicken or the egg - I think it was the chicken. If it's a repeat (and I'm remembering correctly) then its worth watching for the eglu air time.


(I've probably remembered wrong :roll: )

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ohh, I'm glad I wasnt the only one - totally confused (as normal). So we watched the first part of Messiah IV which we had taped. Kind of whished we hadnt now - just a little to gory for words (then we watched Disaster Masters all about drains (an interest of mine - dont ask.....) which was even more revolting!! Bring back the good life I say!!

By the way has anyone been watching that "Real Good Life" on Sunday afternoons?

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The couple without children are really getting into it and are now selling their house to move to Devon run a small holding and, hopefully start a family. The ones with 4/5 kids are probably going back to work as normal as they cannot afford to be self sufficient with that many kids who want mobile phones / trainers / live like their mates. The couple from goring on thames just anoy the wotsit out of me - always complaining about no money / too much like hard work etc. - dont know why they went on it really - although I appreciate that the tv company have probably edited the heck out of it all, The worst thing on sunday was the goring couple's chooks all got taken by a fox - but it does seem she didnt secure the gate properly :evil:

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we set it to record through our sky and it failed for "unknown reason" :evil:

mind you, Paul reckons that sky knows we keep chooks and that their sensibilities might be affronted knowing we were watching about cooking chickens and therefore failed to record it to keep us all happy. He reckons sky is really a big brother monitoring us! :roll:

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