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Martin B

Really Confused about Potatoes.

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How much do the seed potatoes cost?


I got 2 bags, one of earlies and one of maincrop fro B&Q a couple of weeks ago.


They were £3 each or 2 for a fiver.


Can't remember what the bags weighed, but there were about 40 spuds in each one.


Gave some to a friend and the rest are chitting.

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Well people in the olden days used to plant the first spuds at Easter because this was the 1st day off they had since Xmas so people think this is when you should plant your main crop.


However it really depends on the weather - you want to avoid the frost so, so down here in Henley you may plant slightly earlier than up in Scotland. We are in a valley and don't really suffer from big frosts - yet up the road in High Wycombe they do, so they may plant later.


But this is what I am planning


Earlies - in the next 2 weeks - if it had not chucked in down for 4 days and I wasn't off to sunny NYC then I would have planted them this weekend.


Main crop late march - Easter


lates after Easter.


As with all the growing it is done by trail and error.

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Slad leaves are easy to grow from seed Martin, and if you get the right kind, you can just go out every day, pick a few for your lunch, and they'll frow again - so much easier than growing lettuce hearts!


We put ours in a window box, out the reach of the chooks!

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My seed potatoes only arrived yesterday so will start to chit them this weekend. This year I am going to experiment with growing some in car tyres which by all accounts seems to produce bumper crops and some others in the "normal" traditional way. I have gone for a mixture of first earlies through to late maincrop to maximise the length of the yield.

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Slad leaves are easy to grow from seed Martin, and if you get the right kind, you can just go out every day, pick a few for your lunch, and they'll frow again - so much easier than growing lettuce hearts!




Shona - have you been on the red! slad leaves frowing!! :wink:



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