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Martin B

Food Hygeine Certificate

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Hi everybody,

I would be interested in taking a course in food hygeine to gain the Level 1 foundation food hygeine certificate. I just don't have a clue where to go, how much etc. Can anybody shed anylight. I am useless at reading internet pages and I am easily confused! :lol::lol:




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Hi Martin,


Sometimes you can find food hygiene certificate courses that are being run for free.....I did one (years ago) that was a day-course held at Sincil Bank in Lincoln. Don't know if this is the same as a Level 1 Foundation certificate :?


Sometimes you get them funded through the European Social Fund but you usually have to fit certain criteria to go on those so don't think this would apply to you.....(you usually have to show signs of being at risk of falling into the NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) category for this :roll: )


...definitely ask at the local college. Or ask at school if they know of anything.

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I did a two day course with a friend a couple of years ago.


It was not taxing at all. You'll walk it Martin.


I remember my friend Eileen and I giggling like 2 naughty schoolgirls, because the lecturer mispronounced the word staphylococcus throughout.


To be honest I think we knew more than he did. :roll:


Anyway, it was useful.....and you can add it to your CV for when you apply to Oxbridge! :lol:

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