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I've been reading all your posts and wondering if my Patti has peritonitis. I've noticed her waddling like a duck and she feels puffy on her undercarrage, puffy tummy - right undeneath / between her legs. She's normally scrawny but now looks like a tank! She's less 'on the go' although still eating and still able to move about OK. No eggs since about October last year.


I'm off to the vet this afternoon and will see if she needs antibiotics, even as a precaution. Poor Patti - she's an ex-batt but we've had her and two sisters for well over a year, and the other two are very healthy girls.

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did you try getting the vet to test their poo? very helpful can show up all sorts of things. It showed up that my pooey bummed chicken actually had campylobacter. I initially thought it had worms as it had a little bit of the runs on and off since i got them. So did all the worming etc, she got worse took her to the vets and they took a poo sample.

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Recently, Lizzie was walking like a duck again, but I couldn't feel anything hard, unless I wasn't feeling firmly enough. Anyway, I tried putting her over steam, but still no eggs. At the moment, she seems to be smaller in the "trousers" department again, so I don't know if she has something like the sterile peritonitis or simply still off-lay. Henrietta also hasn't laid since the end of July, but appears alright. If one of them disappears, it isn't unusual for them to be in the nesting box. Its also normal for Lizzie to go to bed earlier than the others.


Hope Patti picks up again soon.

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Hi again, unfortunately the vet doesn't know what's wrong. Patti's no different today but at least we have some Baytril for a week. She had an X-ray to check she wasn't egg bound. I'll see if they can test the poo if she doesn't pick up. Anyway at least it's a nice sunny day and she's enjoying a bit of warmth. Will keep you posted.. Jennie

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