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Guest chookiehen

A question for you cat experts...

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A friend's cat used to take balls of wool, but only if they were mohair. Poor old thing was a bit daft and she treated them like kittens, carried them away to a quite place then laid down next to them and gropomed them. Mohair jumper (option cat saliva) anyone :lol:

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Elastic bands :D:D:D My cats go doolally for them. I also had one cat who used to chase and chew my cork coasters! And Oscar, who is definately old enough to know better 'steals' shoes from downstairs and leaves them on the landing (I suppose they put up less resistance than mice?) :roll:


The self-same Oscar who, I may add was 'done' as a kitten, now that he is mature and sensible :roll::roll::roll: has, in latter years taken to - not sure how I can put this - Y'know when you have a shagpile rug? Take the first bit of that word, add 'ing' and that's what he does - to fleece jumpers!!! :oops::oops: Even the V.E.T. was gobsmaked at this one.


I'll leave you with that vision..................

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I cat-proofed the under sink cupboard, and hid all the kitchen sponges in it last night, but then got up this morning to discover that she had whipped the steel wool scourer, and had been chewing that all night instead. it makes my teeth itch to just think about chewing steelwool!


Do cats teeth? Hartley is coming up for about 9 months now, and I'm beginning to wonder if her gums are bothering her because of tteething perhaps? :?


It's either that, or she is a total freaker of a cat....

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I cat-proofed the under sink cupboard, and hid all the kitchen sponges in it last night, but then got up this morning to discover that she had whipped the steel wool scourer, and had been chewing that all night instead. it makes my teeth itch to just think about chewing steelwool!


Do cats teeth? Hartley is coming up for about 9 months now, and I'm beginning to wonder if her gums are bothering her because of tteething perhaps? :?


It's either that, or she is a total freaker of a cat....


Steel wool *shudder* :shock: My cat teethed at about six months. Not sure if she still is :?

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